By The Chip Witch on Sunday, 30 July 2023
Category: ChipWitch Today

ChipWitch Today for 30 July, 2023

Chipwitch Today!

This is Chipwitch Today, your daily source of reliable data upon which you can base your daily practice.

30 July, 2023

Solar activity was at moderate levels (R1/Minor) due to an M1.4/1n flare from Region 3380 (S10W12, Dai/beta). Region 3390 (S19E58, Cro/beta) produced a C9.2/Sf flare at 29/1036 UTC. An unnumbered region just beyond the NE limb near 3391 (N25E75, Hsx/alpha) produced a C6.7 flare at 29/0734 UTC with an associated Type II radio sweep (416 km/s) and a CME off the NE limb first observed at 29/0836 UTC in coronagraph imagery. This CME is not expected to have an Earth-directed component. EUV darkening was observed at 29/1620 UTC in SUVI 195 imagery near S18W12. Analysis of a potential CME will be conducted as imagery becomes available.

The solar kp index is quiet, with no changes to retrograde effects. The solar wind speed is currently above average, making retrograde effects moderately increased.

Solar wind parameters were near nominal levels with solar wind speed ranging from 332-411 km/s. Total field ranged from 2-7 nT with the Bz component between +6/-5 nT. Phi angle was mostly positive.

There is a 35% chance of solar activity, with a 15% chance of a minor event, a 5% chance of a moderate event, and a 1% chance of a strong event.

The waxing moon is currently in Capricorn, at 01 degrees, 34' 37", at a velocity of 14.59 degrees per day.

The Waxing Gibbous moon is currently 11.9 days old. It is 370187.96 km from the centre of the Earth.

The next new moon is at 9:38:49, 16 Aug, 2023. The next full moon is at 1:37:05, 31 Aug, 2023.

Planetary Information

The Sun

The Sun is in Leo

The Sun is at 06 Leo 51' 57", and is 151881284km away and approaching.

The Moon

The Moon is in Capricorn

The Moon is at 01 Cap 34' 37", and is 365406km away and approaching.

Moon Is In Capricorn

Well, well, well, the Moon is in Capricorn today and not just metaphorically! It's literally 365,682.624942394km away, give or take a few. Now, don't you start fretting about the specifics. That's like worrying about whether your cup of tea is 98 or 99 degrees Celsius. It's still going to burn your tongue either way! Now, folks, when the Moon sidles up to Capricorn, it's like a cosmic game of Dungeons and Dragons, except the dungeon master is the Universe and the dice are...well, celestial bodies. And let me tell you, the Universe is rolling some intense natural 20s right now! You see, Capricorn is the astrological equivalent of that friend who always remembers to bring a spare towel, a Swiss Army knife, and a compass on a picnic. Reliable, practical, and a little too fond of spreadsheets, if you ask me. So with the Moon cosying up there, it's like we're all getting a big celestial reminder to buckle up and get our stuff together. So, what does this mean for you? Well, let's just say it's not the time for impromptu interpretive dances or deciding to invest all your savings into that boomerang collection. No, my dear stargazers, it's time to channel your inner Hermione Granger and get organised! You might feel a pull toward tidiness, toward orderliness, toward finally tackling that mountain of laundry that's been slowly gaining sentience in the corner of your room. Go with it! Embrace your inner Marie Kondo. If it doesn't spark joy, thank it for its service and send it on its way to the next adventure. Remember, the cosmos is a vast, magnificent, slightly chaotic place, but with the Moon in Capricorn, it's reminding us that even amidst the chaos, there's a place for spreadsheets, bullet journals, and yes, even color-coded sock drawers. So strap in, stargazers, it's going to be a wild, well-organised ride!


Mercury is in Virgo

Mercury is prograde at 01 Vir 54' 10", moving at 1.37 degrees per day, and is 156816966km away and approaching.

Mercury Is In Virgo

Well, ain't this a sight for sore eyes! Our not-so-shy friend Mercury has moseyed on into Virgo territory, and the stars are aligning in an interesting way. You know what that means, don't ya? Nope, it's not time to break out your fancy duds or polish your boots. It's time to get down to business. Mercury, that speedy little planet, is known for being a big ol' chatterbox. While it’s in Virgo, it's as if it got itself a shiny new set of spectacles. We're talking laser-focus, friends. The kind that could spot a speck of dust in a sandstorm. Yeah, that sharp! Every word we utter, every thought we have, they’re going to be stripped down to their bare bones. No more beating around the bush or sweet-talking. We're cutting through all the gorram fluff and getting straight to the point. But hold onto your hats, because this transit isn't just about being brutally honest. It's also about productivity. Makes you feel a bit like a leaf on the wind, doesn't it? We've got the chance to make some serious progress here, and I ain't just talking about cleaning up the cargo bay. This ain't no time for dead-end ideas or conversations that go round and round like a merry-go-round. Now, there's one tiny hitch. With all this focus on the nitty-gritty, we might find ourselves being a tad too critical. Virgo has a penchant for perfection, you see, and while Mercury's hanging around there, we might start picking faults like Jayne picks fights. So, let's try not to ruffle any feathers. It's all about conveying our opinions with a bit of tact. Or, as I like to say, putting a nice coat of paint on the truth. After all, we don't want to end up with a mutiny on our hands, do we? So strap in, tighten your bootstraps, and let's fly into this Mercury in Virgo phase like we mean it. Let's be big damn heroes.


Venus is in Leo

Venus is retrograde at 27 Leo 34' 40", moving backwards at 0.29 degrees per day, and is 47597404km away and approaching.

Venus Is In Leo

Greetings, cosmic voyagers! It's time to turn up the volume on your love life because Venus just pulled up to the party in a golden chariot, wearing her best lion mane wig. That's right, Venus is in Leo, and she's approximately 47625214.817373931km away -- but who's counting? When Venus sashays into Leo's fiery realm, it's like switching from a romantic black and white movie to a full-blown Broadway musical. There's drama, there's passion, and oh boy, there's a lot of singing! Expect declarations of love to echo through the cosmos, so if you've been nursing a crush on someone, now's the time to drop the subtlety and just tell them. But beware, this isn't a time for "I like you"s, it's a time for "I can't live without you, you are my sun, my moon, my stars!" kind of declarations. Now, as we know, Leo's are not exactly the quiet, stay-at-home type. No, they're more the 'throw a tantrum in the supermarket because they didn't get the last box of their favourite cereal' type. So, while Venus is visiting, don't be surprised if you find yourself feeling a little... dramatic. Arguments may flare up out of nowhere, and suddenly you're passionately debating whether pineapple really has a place on pizza. Does it? I don't know, you tell me! On the financial front, Venus in Leo might encourage a bit of extravagance. Ever wanted to buy that diamond-studded cat collar or that unnecessarily expensive space-themed board game? Now's your chance! But remember, while pampering yourself is great, Leo also appreciates generosity. So, don't hesitate to spoil your loved ones with thoughtful gifts, or better yet, write them a heartfelt, tear-jerking love poem. Trust me, they'll love it. In short, Venus in Leo is like a shot of adrenaline for your love life. It's loud, it's shiny, it's dramatic, and it's oh-so-very-Leo. So, buckle up, cosmic voyagers, because we're in for a wild ride. And remember, in the grand cosmic theatre of life, there are no small parts, only small actors. Now break a leg!


Mars is in Virgo

Mars is prograde at 12 Vir 09' 20", moving at 0.62 degrees per day, and is 354350385km away and receding.

Mars Is In Virgo

Mars In Virgo: A Cosmic Comedy

Just when you thought the cosmos was done meddling with your life, Mars has decided to join the fun. Yes, folks, the red planet has set up camp in Virgo and it's about as subtle as a Trekkie at a Star Wars convention. Mars, the celestial embodiment of "get up and go," is now hanging out with Virgo, the sign that's basically a cosmic productivity app.

While Mars is doing its Virgo sleepover, we're all going to get a crash course in efficiency. We'll be like human Swiss army knives, cutting through tasks with newfound speed and precision. Need to learn how to juggle flaming torches while riding a unicycle? This is the time. But remember, don't actually do that. I'm an astrologer, not a medical professional.

Virgo rules the 6th House of Health and Self-Improvement. So, don't be surprised if you suddenly feel compelled to start a new diet or join a gym. And no, buying new workout clothes does not count as exercise. However, with Mars in Virgo's love for routine, those new habits might just stick around. Just like that piece of gum on your shoe.

Now, before you start imagining your new, optimized life, there's a catch. Mars in Virgo can also turn us into hypercritical, nitpicking machines. Our tolerance for inefficiency could plummet faster than my attempt to make sourdough during quarantine. If we're not careful, we might end up turning this perfectionist drive inward, becoming our worst critics. Remember, folks, patience is key. That, and maybe a good stress ball.

Instead of focusing on every little thing that's going wrong, let's channel this energy into something productive. Mars in Virgo is like having a cosmic personal assistant, perfect for balancing budgets, planning for the future or finally starting that project you've been putting off. So, it's time to boldly go where no man has gone before... or at least, where you haven't bothered to go yet. May the Force be with you!


Jupiter is in Taurus

Jupiter is prograde at 13 Tau 29' 42", moving at 0.11 degrees per day, and is 744258397km away and approaching.

Jupiter Is In Taurus

Stellar Bull in the Cosmic China Shop

Listen up, star gazers! Jupiter has parked itself in Taurus and is ready to party. Like a bull in a cosmic china shop, this planetary meet-up between our galactic heavyweights could cause a few ripples in your celestial teacup. But it's not all bad, folks. In fact, it's mostly good. The planet of wisdom and the zodiac's most stubborn sign are joining forces to remind us that the answers we seek aren't on some distant star. Nope, they're right there inside us, probably hiding behind our appendix or something. Who knew?

Imagine Jupiter as your motivational coach, armed with a whistle and a clipboard, pushing you towards your dreams. It's time to dust off those ambitious plans you've stored at the back of your mind, next to your favorite Monty Python quotes and all your Star Trek trivia. Make a list, check it twice, and get to work. With Jupiter's growth-mindset and Taurus' relentless determination, you'll become an unstoppable force.

But wait, there's more! Jupiter is also the planet of good luck, and Taurus is the sign of money and wealth. So, during this transit, not only could you find yourself becoming an unstoppable force, but you might also stumble upon a pot of gold at the end of your cosmic rainbow. Keep your eyes peeled for opportunities to fatten up your piggy bank.

There's a catch though. With Taurus' love for indulgence and Jupiter's knack for expansion, you might feel the urge to spend like an alien with a universal credit card. Yes, you deserve that life-size replica of the Death Star, but remember, patience is key during this transit. Don't let impulse buys turn your financial gains into a black hole.

So, strap on your space helmet, hold onto your horoscope, and get ready for a wild ride. Jupiter in Taurus is here, and it's ready to shake things up in the best possible way!


Saturn is in Pisces

Saturn is retrograde at 05 Pis 49' 11", moving backwards at 0.06 degrees per day, and is 1328464562km away and approaching.

Saturn Is In Pisces

Saturn in Pisces: The Cosmic Nerd's Guide

Alright, stargazers, gather 'round! Our ringed buddy Saturn is hanging out in Pisces and things are about to get real... well, strange. It's like if Spock decided to take a detour through the Shire - you're not quite sure what's going to happen, but it's bound to be interesting.

So, Saturn in Pisces is a bit like when your favorite science teacher decides to teach art. It's the time to dig deep into the messy, chaotic paint box of your dreams and start turning them into a concrete masterpiece. You've been daydreaming about opening that vegan coffee shop? Time to put those fantasies on paper and draft up a business plan. Working on a sci-fi novel? Hone in on those plot details and character backgrounds. When the "Dean of Discipline" crashes the Piscean dreamland, you better believe he's going to make your daydreams do push-ups until they can practically sprint into reality.

Now, I won't sugarcoat it, guys. Saturn in Pisces can feel a bit like having your hippie van invaded by a Marine drill sergeant. It's uncomfortable and you might feel like your sacred dream space is being invaded. But remember, Saturn is here to help. He's the Dumbledore to your Harry Potter, the Yoda to your Luke Skywalker. Yeah, the lessons might be tough, but they're also incredibly valuable.

Oh, and don't be surprised if you're feeling a tad more restless than usual. With all this hyper-focus on the world of dreams, you could end up with some serious cosmic insomnia. But hey, it's the perfect opportunity to break out those lava lamps, put on some Pink Floyd, and meditate. Maybe even take a nature walk or indulge in some deep breathing exercises. And if you're having trippy dreams, jot them down! Who knows, they might be the next bestseller.

In short, Saturn in Pisces is a time to mix logic with dreams, science with spirituality, and discipline with freedom. It's as if Albert Einstein and Bob Marley decided to co-write a song. So, brace yourself for a fascinating cosmic ride!


Uranus is in Taurus

Uranus is prograde at 22 Tau 42' 28", moving at 0.02 degrees per day, and is 2975591509km away and approaching.

Uranus Is In Taurus

Greetings and salutations, celestial wanderers! Darth Vader here, your favorite intergalactic astrologer. (And no, I won't force-choke you if you don't believe in horoscopes, but I may question your intellectual curiosity). Now, hold onto your lightsabers because Uranus, the cosmic rebel, has parked its celestial behind in the steadfast sign of Taurus. That's right, my friends, the planet known for its rebellious streak is now hanging out with the cosmic bull, who would much rather chill on a lush space meadow than deal with any sort of upheaval. The irony is as delicious as a bowl of Yoda's rootleaf stew! Taurus, bless its stubborn horns, loves the comfort of routine and predictability. But Uranus? Ha! It's as unpredictable as a faulty hyperdrive on the Millennium Falcon! And let me tell you, Taurus is about to get a lesson in "letting go" that rivals Luke Skywalker's Jedi training. Now, money is Taurus' cosmic jam. They love their credits, their precious metal ingots, their...whatever else it is you Earth people use for currency. But with Uranus crashing the party, we're looking at a financial revolution that could make the destruction of the Death Star look like a minor inconvenience. New forms of currency may arise faster than Ewoks on Endor. Traditional banking might spin around more than a droid hit by a blaster. And the housing and stock markets? Well, let's just say they could be in for a seismic shake-up that'd leave even the sturdiest AT-AT trembling. But fear not, my celestial Padawans! Uranus isn't here to wreak havoc. Quite the opposite. It's here to liberate us from the death grip of materialism. Debt, taxes, rent, mortgages - these are the Sith Lords of the financial world. Uranus is here to help us wield our lightsabers of change and carve a path towards greater stability. The force of change is strong with this one. So put on your Jedi robes, folks. It's time to embrace the cosmic rebellion. Remember, in the end, even the most tumultuous ride through asteroid fields can lead us to a galaxy of new possibilities. And may the force of Uranus in Taurus be with you!


Neptune is in Pisces

Neptune is retrograde at 27 Pis 27' 39", moving backwards at 0.01 degrees per day, and is 4376163150km away and approaching.

Neptune Is In Pisces

Alright, buckle up my celestial explorers because guess what? Neptune is in Pisces and it's about to get real spiritual up in here. Now, don't fret just because Neptune is, oh I don't know, a casual 4.376 billion kilometers away. It’s not like Neptune has to catch a bus or anything. In fact, it's retrograde, which means it's coming at us like a cosmic boomerang. Neptune in Pisces is like that one friend who shows up at your house unannounced, but then they help you realize that you've been stressing over the color of your throw pillows while your house is on fire. Suddenly, all those petty squabbles and ‘who ate my leftovers’ seem insignificant. You see, this combination is like a giant neon sign in the sky saying, "Hey, let's focus on what really matters, okay?" This transit is like a cosmic Kickstarter campaign, asking us to pitch in for the betterment of humanity. And no, you can't just pledge a dollar and get a thank you tweet, we're talking emotional investment here. We each have something unique to contribute, be it a killer banana bread recipe or the ability to solve a Rubik's cube with your feet. Now is the perfect time to dive into that spiritual book you've been using as a coaster, or maybe set up a little Zen space in your home. You know, somewhere you can find your inner peace amidst all the chaos, like between the couch and the coffee table. The energy of Neptune in Pisces is like that cool teacher you had in school, encouraging you to share your ideas and dreams with the world. It's a celestial cheerleader, pom-poms and all, reminding us that we're supported in our quest to make this world a better place. So, let’s make the most of this transit, folks. Dive deep into your emotional well, bring up those hidden treasures, and remember, the universe has got your back. And yes, even from 4.376 billion kilometers away, Neptune is rooting for you too.


Pluto is in Capricorn

Pluto is retrograde at 28 Cap 56' 02", moving backwards at 0.02 degrees per day, and is 5058464107km away and receding.

Pluto Is In Capricorn

Pluto in Capricorn: The Cosmic Clean-Up Crew

Alright star-gazers, grab your favorite tin foil hat and let's talk about the celestial shenanigans happening in our cosmic backyard. Pluto, our beloved underdog planet (yes, I said planet... fight me, Neil deGrasse Tyson), is pulling a cosmic U-turn and going retrograde in the no-nonsense sign of Capricorn. Now, I know what you're thinking: "Isn't Pluto that icy rock chilling billions of miles away?" Well, yes, smarty-pants, it is. But distance in space is like WiFi range - it still works, you just gotta believe.

Now, Capricorn and Pluto are both the type-A organizers of the zodiac and the solar system respectively. Think of them as your own personal Marie Kondos, but instead of tidying up your sock drawer, they’re intent on decluttering your life. They're the cosmic equivalent of a power-couple...with the slight tendency to be a tad overbearing. So, watch out, because they’re not afraid to toss out any belief, habit, or person that doesn’t ‘spark joy’.

Pluto in Capricorn is all about making space for the new by saying "adios" to the old. This isn't just spring cleaning, folks, this is a full-on, dumpster-fire, out-with-the-old kind of overhaul. The catch? Well, Capricorn's got a bit of a stubborn streak. So, while you're being urged to cleanse and purge, you might also find yourself clinging to the very things you need to ditch. It’s like trying to do yoga while wrestling a goat...weirdly challenging.

Remember, this cosmic clean-up isn't about becoming a lifeless robot only focused on results. If we let go of our stubbornness, open up to new ideas, and embrace a little chaos along the way, we might just find that the stuff we're left with is the stuff that truly matters. And hey, if anyone questions your method, just tell them you're living life according to planetary feng shui!

Current Planetary Aspects

Sun06 Leo 51' 57"
Moon01 Cap 34' 37"
Mercury01 Vir 54' 10"
Venus27 Leo 34' 40" R
Mars12 Vir 09' 20"
Jupiter13 Tau 29' 42"
Saturn05 Pis 49' 11" R
Uranus22 Tau 42' 28"
Neptune27 Pis 27' 39" R
Pluto28 Cap 56' 02" R

Current Planetary Positions


Mercury Opposite Saturn

Your thinking may be concentrated, obstructed, morose or limited today. Saturn has a way of throwing cold water and constraints on things. Depression is possible, but it will pass, so try to stay optimistic. There may be delays in mail or letters or phone calls. A negative mental outlook along with an unwillingness to accept the ideas of others is characteristic of this aspect. Don't be worried over a lack of inspiration. It won't last long. People will challenge your ideas.Saturn connected to a personal planet in hard aspect has a censoring effect on the planet involved. With Mercury in hard aspect to Saturn, whatever the person says and writes is self-censored to some degree. It’s hard for these people to pour out their emotions, no matter how emotional or needy they feel on the inside. This is because they are always aware of what others might think of them with what they say. They are not necessarily deliberate talkers or thinkers. In other words, they don’t always pick and choose their words carefully or speak slowly. However, they are careful with what they reveal to others. They make plenty of disclaimers, and often come across as negative or sarcastic without intending to. These are people who review conversations they’ve had with others, and who often kick themselves for saying something they didn’t intend to, or for not saying something witty. Saturn tends to have a hobbling effect, and when it’s attached to the planet of communication in hard aspect, there can be some feelings of insecurity about how we speak and communicate in general. These people tend to worry about what they’ve said and how they could have said it better. Some older astrology texts suggest that there can be learning disorders or “slowness” with this aspect, but this is rarely the case. In fact, many people with this aspect are very strong academically. The flow of their communication is blocked in some manner, however, and this is due to an automatic “self-censoring” tendency. Self-consciousness and hypersensitivity is experienced with regards to their intelligence and ability to get ideas across to others, especially in youth. These people need plenty of positive feedback from others in order to feel more confident and less “blocked”.If you have this aspect in your chart, recognize that you are most likely harder on yourself about how you communicate than others are. Ask people close to you for an objective point of view. Chances are, they find you to be astute, intelligent, and an effective speaker or writer. We often tell our kids “don’t worry about what others think”, but telling this to a person with a hard Saturn aspects is not enough, nor is it realistic. They will worry. Instead, I have found that the best way to handle difficult Saturn aspects is to get objective feedback from others! Mercury-Saturn people don’t accept compliments whole-heartedly, yet they crave them and need them. Others around them tend to stop complimenting them, feeling that they either don’t need compliments or don’t want to hear them. Nothing can be further than the truth!Mercury opposition Saturn Your intellectual capabilities are well developed, and you can accomplish anything that you set your mind to. You are likely to possess academic “smarts” and writing ability. In some ways you are a loner. This is likely because your greatest feelings of security arise from a job well done. Be sure to exercise caution in entering into contracts. Don’t overlook the important details that can boomerang against you later. It may be best to hire an attorney or other advisor to help you with these tasks. You might find that you are the victim of “red tape”, mix-ups, and communication problems more than most.You sometimes come across as more stern or harsh than you actually are! There is likely to be a negative or sarcastic style to your speech that you may not always be aware of, but that others pick up quickly. You will find that others often misunderstand your intentions rather easily, or that you misrepresent yourself unwittingly. You often kick yourself for saying (or, more often, not saying) something after a conversation is over. — Interpretation from our LoveStyles Report.Some Famous People with the Mercury in Hard Aspect to Saturn: Squares – Sheena Easton, Kevin Kline; Oppositions – Steven Seagal, Kurt Russell, Tiger Woods, Robert Redford, Patrick Duffy.


Mars Trine Jupiter

Today is the day to expand and set new plans into action. Broaden your horizons and don't limit your possibilities. Business ventures are favored, as is higher education, legal matters, spiritual endeavors and charitable pursuits. Luck is all around you today, but you have to make it happen. Don't just sit there waiting for it to come to you.You tend to be restless and prone to boredom. You need a partner who can keep up with your lightning responses to your environment - and one who truly understands your love of intellectual competition and sparring.You have tremendous personal resources with which to achieve your goals. Although the goals you set for yourself are likely to be somewhat ambitious, you are willing to work hard to see that they are achieved. Ever since you were a child and learned to invent indoor games to amuse yourself, you have steadily worked at developing your intellectual skills. This prepared you to deal well with competitive situations in your adult life.Communication is important to you. Your dramatic delivery and flair for using the right words make you a formidable opponent in any debate. It is particularly difficult to win a debate with you because you only present information that is well documented and convincing. You also use this skill to come to the aid of others who cannot defend themselves intellectually, which is admirable indeed!Others admire your confidence and straightforwardness. You respect others who stand firm on their convictions and have high ambitions. It is important that everyone who deals with you does so with honesty and integrity.In your love life, you appreciate a partner who is intellectually strong. You have a strong sex drive, but without the mental component, no relationship will last very long. You also seek a partner with spiritual consciousness. Your warmth and enthusiasm on a sexual level is apparent, and you don’t tire easily. Your interest doesn’t fade easily over time. — Interpretation sample from our LoveStyles report.This aspect indicates a harmony between your intellect and your physical strength, and you will most likely have little difficulty achieving your goals in life. It may appear to others that you are lucky sometimes, but you are also good at applying your talents to attain the desired results. You have a natural ability to be in the right place to grab new opportunities or to initiate a well-timed project. You are often successful in competition but sometimes may not even enter the contest because it doesn’t seem worth it to you.You are honest and forthright in your dealings with others, and you tend to trust others readily. You can be a bit careless about spending money, however, and this is probably because you are so eternally optimistic that there will always be plenty around. The possibility of failure does not enter your mind, although success itself is not that important to you–you’re just being you.In your relationships you are attracted to others who also seek a harmonious lifestyle. Your sexual nature is very strong, but you seek more than physical gratification from your mate. You want someone who will share in your life entirely and grow to know and understand you intimately. You appreciate a partner who is intellectually strong. You have a strong sex drive, but without the mental component, no relationship will last very long. You also seek a partner with spiritual consciousness. Your warmth and enthusiasm on a sexual level is apparent, and you don’t tire easily. Your interest doesn’t fade easily over time, either.Interestingly, you are able to be assertive without stepping on others’ toes. This is an important part of your attractiveness to women. — Interpretation from our LoveStyles: About Him report.Note on the differences between trines and sextiles: The trine aspect is the more dynamic of the two harmonious aspects. Those with the sextile can call upon these traits when needed, and those with the trine between the Mars and Jupiter have incorporated the traits of the aspect into their personalities, expressing them naturally and consistently.Alternate, short interpretations: Interpretation sample from the Merlin report – Mars sextile Jupiter or Mars trine Jupiter: *Your self-confidence and vitality are strong and you believe you can do just about anything you want to. You have an enterprising spirit, a good sense of timing, and the ability to sense what will succeed and what won’t. You usually make fortunate decisions in work or business activities. You enjoy healthy competition and you have a rather playful, good-humored attitude toward it. You mostly compete with yourself to see how far you can go or how much you can accomplish. You like to keep stretching your limits.Interpretation sample from the Your Spiritual Path report – You are usually able to direct your will to productive activities. You find the transcendent component in each relationship and build upon it. You exemplify joy in your daily activities.Interpretation sample from the Karmic Insight report – You have developed the capacity to direct your masculine/active, yang energies in healthy and positive ways. Thus, you have confidence in your “masculine” strengths and abilities. Ennobled by ideals of fair play and concern for the broader social implications of your choices, your actions are most often fortunate, leading to success and increased opportunities. A gift for leadership and inspiring others is also yours. Physical playfulness is an important way you can re-create and rejuvenate yourself.Some Famous People with Mars in Harmonious Aspect to Jupiter: Sextiles – Bill Cosby, Drew Barrymore, Serena Williams, Richard Speck, Vanessa Redgrave, Robert Pattinson, Peter O’Toole, Oliver North, Galileo, Patrick Duffy, Phil Donahue, Catherine Deneuve, Danny DeVito; Trines – Upton Sinclair, J. R. R. Tolkien, Cheryl Tiegs, Gregory Peck, Bob Marley, Henry Miller, Brian Eno, Leonardo Di Caprio, Dick Butkus, Roseanne Barr, Ben Affleck.

Notes about Transits

Mars is all about action, and where Mars is in our chart with transits is a place where we are prepared to stand our ground. Mars transits can be really productive, but they can also be angsty, aggressive, and sometimes come from a place of anger. It's important to pay attention to how you direct that energy. Mars transits can last for up to a couple weeks.
Jupiter transits enhance your life with optimism and forward-thinking, and lasting for about a month, give you plenty of time to take advantage. Bigger and better is Jupiter's way of thinking, and should be yours as well.
Saturn transits, on the other hand, are where we get a major reality check, and if we’re not ready for them, they can be pretty rotten. Of course, if we’re prepared and up to the task, Saturn transits can also bring very well-deserved rewards, too. Saturn transits last a bit longer than Jupiter transits—usually 2 months or so at a time, but with retrograde cycles, you could be looking at the same lessons three times over a 6 month period.
The outer planets, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto last for such a long time that they make long-lasting impacts on our lives. In fact, Neptune and Pluto can last for two to three years! Consider their effects, plan accordingly, and make them part of your life for the better.

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