By The Chip Witch on Wednesday, 06 September 2023
Category: ChipWitch Today

ChipWitch Today for 6 September, 2023

Chipwitch Today!

This is Chipwitch Today, your daily source of reliable data upon which you can base your daily practice.

6 September, 2023

Solar activity reached moderate levels with M-class flare activity from Region 3421 (N14W14, Dai/Beta). The first, and largest, occurred at 05/0812 UTC and reached a max of M2. The second, an M1.2, reached its maximum at 05/1945 UTC. Region 3424 was numbered this period as it began to rotate into view on the far north east limb and produced a C7.2 flare at 05/0937 UTC. The remaining active regions were either relatively stable or in decay.

The solar kp index is quiet, with no changes to retrograde effects. The solar wind speed is currently above average, making retrograde effects moderately increased.

The solar wind environment reflected shock arrival beginning at approximately 05/1444 UTC, likely from a 01 Sep CME that was modeled to miss just south and behind Earths orbit. During this time, total field reached 10 nT and the Bz component underwent a sustained southward deflection reaching -8 nT. Wind speeds jumped from ~384 Km/s to ~455 Km/s. Phi has predominantly been variable.

There is a 25% chance of solar activity, with a 35% chance of a minor event, a 20% chance of a moderate event, and a 1% chance of a strong event.

The waning moon is currently in Gemini, at 05 degrees, 31' 59", at a velocity of 12.91 degrees per day.

The Third Quarter moon is currently 21.5 days old. It is 386506.95 km from the centre of the Earth.

The next new moon is at 1:40:05, 15 Sep, 2023. The next full moon is at 9:58:21, 29 Sep, 2023.

Planetary Information

The Sun

The Sun is in Virgo

The Sun is at 13 Vir 25' 09", and is 150815499km away and approaching.

The Moon

The Moon is in Gemini

The Moon is at 05 Gem 31' 59", and is 386933km away and receding.

Moon Is In Gemini

Greetings, fellow stargazers! Buckle up your seat belts and put on your space helmets because we are about to embark on a cosmic journey. Now, don't panic, but I have some intergalactic news for you - the Moon is parked in Gemini! Yes, you heard it right, no Jedi mind tricks here. Now, I know what you're thinking. "Great, the Moon is 386,609.274139217 km away in Gemini. But how does that affect my Netflix binge-watching schedule?" Well, dear earthling, it's all about communication and adaptability, the twin pillars of Gemini. So maybe it's time to switch from 'The Mandalorian' to 'The Big Bang Theory'. You never know, you might even learn some quantum physics! Gemini, ruled by the planet Mercury, is all about swift changes and intellectual curiosity. With the Moon lounging there, it's like having Yoda as a roommate. All those profound words of wisdom and advice? Yeah, they're coming straight from the green guy himself. And just like Luke Skywalker, you might find yourself training in a swamp (or more likely, navigating the murky waters of social interaction). Also, be prepared for some unexpected plot twists. Remember when Luke found out that Darth Vader was his father? Well, the Moon in Gemini might not throw anything THAT dramatic at you, but do expect some surprises. Perhaps your barista knows your coffee order by heart or your cat finally acknowledges your existence. In essence, the Moon in Gemini is an invitation to embrace change, stimulate your mind, and communicate. It's a golden opportunity to become one with the Force... or at least get better at crosswords. May the stars be with you!


Mercury is in Virgo

Mercury is retrograde at 13 Vir 48' 31", moving backwards at 0.97 degrees per day, and is 94866254km away and receding.

Mercury Is In Virgo

Well, buckle up star gazers, because the cosmic bus driver has just announced that our next stop is Virgo, with Mercury at the wheel. Now, don't start panicking about your travel sickness bands – this isn't the kind of trip that'll leave you queasy. Quite the opposite, in fact. Mercury in Virgo is like your favourite maths teacher from high school – you know, the one who made algebra seem like magic tricks and somehow made Pythagoras your favourite ancient Greek dude (after Hercules, of course). It's all about precision, efficiency, and a dash of no-nonsense. Virgo is like that super organised friend we all have. You know, the one who colour-coordinates their bookshelves and has a spreadsheet for their grocery shopping. They're all about sifting through the cosmic white noise, trimming the fat, and getting to the lean, mean, information machine underneath. Productivity is the name of the game here, folks. You might not be building IKEA furniture (unless that's your thing, no judgement), but you're going to be making some serious progress. No more going round in circles. It's like being stuck on a merry-go-round and someone finally turns off the power. Whew, right? But let's not get too carried away with all this efficiency. Remember, with great power comes great responsibility. And with Mercury in Virgo, there's a risk of becoming so eagle-eyed that you start seeing flaws where there aren't any. It's like putting on those 3D glasses at the cinema and suddenly you're criticising the CGI in a cartoon. Let's not do that. So, let's remember to use our words wisely. Let's be the Bob Ross of conversations – happy little comments here and there. After all, we're all just cosmic beings on a rock hurtling through space. Let's not get too hung up on the small stuff.


Venus is in Leo

Venus is prograde at 12 Leo 17' 55", moving at 0.09 degrees per day, and is 53964988km away and receding.

Venus Is In Leo

Venus in Leo: It’s Showtime, Astro-Nerds!

Buckle up stargazers, because Venus just swaggered into Leo and things are about to get interesting! Think of it as a celestial Broadway show where the leading lady - Venus, in this case - is all set to belt out a showtune like she's auditioning for the Phantom of the Opera. Venus in Leo is like a cosmic game of truth or dare, but without the option of truth. It's all about grand gestures and bold declarations of love. If you've been hiding your feelings like some weirdo on Valentine's Day, now's the time to step up. Write that love letter, send that text, or just shout it from the rooftops. And don't be subtle. Remember, subtlety is for when Venus is in Virgo. This is Leo territory. Time to ROAR! Now, keep in mind, when Venus is in Leo, attention is the currency. So, if you're feeling a bit ignored, you might find yourself throwing a tantrum worthy of a soap opera diva. But remember, there's no 'I' in 'we', but there definitely is one in 'drama'. So don't let your inner drama king or queen take the wheel. As for money matters, during this transit, you might feel an urge to splurge. Leo loves glitz, glamour, and everything extravagant. Your bank account might give you a side-eye, but hey, who needs savings when you can have sequins, right? But don't forget, Leo is also about generosity. So, buying that over-the-top gift for someone special might actually light up your day more than treating yourself. To sum it up, Venus in Leo is here to add some much-needed razzle-dazzle to our lives. It's a time for passion, drama, and a whole lot of fun. So, get ready to embrace the energy and remember; life's too short for boring love stories, so make yours a bestseller!


Mars is in Libra

Mars is prograde at 06 Lib 15' 07", moving at 0.65 degrees per day, and is 374101511km away and receding.

Mars Is In Libra

Mars in Libra: The Galactic Dance of Diplomacy

Alright, my earth-dwelling celestial enthusiasts, grab your telescopes and night-vision goggles because Mars, the red planet, is doing a fancy two-step with Libra, our universal symbol of balance and relationships.

Imagine a cosmic ballroom dance with Mars dressed in a smoking jacket, twirling Libra around the dance floor. It's all very genteel and cordial... which is to say, not exactly Mars' typical style. Usually, he's more of a mosh pit kind of guy. But, he’s in Libra territory now, and here, it’s all about harmony and diplomacy. So no headbanging or crowd-surfing for Mars this time!

While Mars is busy waltzing with Libra, you may feel a sudden urge to be more friendly and thoughtful. You might even find yourself avoiding conflicts like they're black holes! But remember, my starry-eyed friends, sweeping issues under the cosmic carpet isn't a great long-term solution. It's like trying to hide a supernova inside a nebula - eventually, it's going to burst out!

Instead, think of this time as a cosmic peace summit. It's the perfect opportunity to discuss those tricky topics with grace, love, and a dash of that signature Libran diplomacy. It's not about avoiding conflict, but about resolving it, like a Starfleet negotiator diffusing a tense standoff between Romulans and Klingons.

But beware, space cadets! While Mars is in Libra, we might start feeling a bit like Schrödinger's cat - caught in a state of indecision and procrastination. Mars wants to act, but Libra insists on carefully weighing all the options first. It's like trying to navigate through an asteroid field at light speed - you have to make split-second decisions, but also avoid crashing. The key here is to act with love, intention, and fairness. If you do that, the force of the universe is with you.

Mars in Libra is a call to arms for justice and fairness. Libra might usually be as passive as a Tribble, but when it comes to ensuring balance, this sign is ready to fight like a Klingon warrior. So, strap on your space boots, and get ready to boldly go where no one has gone before. Make the


Jupiter is in Taurus

Jupiter is retrograde at 15 Tau 34' 38", moving backwards at 0.01 degrees per day, and is 660415189km away and approaching.

Jupiter Is In Taurus

Ahoy, stargazers! Grab your telescopes and your sense of humor because we've got a cosmic event that would make E.T. phone home: Jupiter is in Taurus! Now, don't panic, this isn’t a celestial bull running amok in a china shop scenario, even if it sounds like it. The universe isn't into that kind of chaos... most days. Firstly, let's clarify that Jupiter is still 660,491,885.755252838km away – and yes, I did count every digit. It hasn't taken a joyride in its cosmic spaceship closer to us. But in astrological terms, it's hanging out in Taurus, the zodiac’s most chilled sign. So, what does this mean for you? Picture this. Jupiter, the wise old professor of the cosmos, is taking a sabbatical in Taurus, the zen garden of the zodiac. This isn't just a whimsical vacation; it's a reminder that the answers we're frantically Google searching for are chillaxing within us. Spirituality isn't some fancy, external thing you need to find in a secret yoga retreat in Bali – it's right there, in between your daily errands and Netflix binges. Now, when Jupiter is in Taurus, your dreams aren't just dreams – they're projects ripe for the planning. It's like having a cosmic green light to make your vision boards real. So, roll up your sleeves, sharpen your pencils, and get ready to check off those to-do lists. You've got Jupiter's ambition and Taurus' stubborn persistence on your side – a celestial dream team! And hold onto your wallets, folks! Jupiter's in town and it's raining dollar bills! Okay, not literally (I wish), but with Jupiter, the planet of good luck, in Taurus, the sign of wealth, chances to increase your fortune are as plentiful as stars in the night sky. So, keep an eye on your finances and make room for growth. But here's the kicker. Taurus loves to indulge, and with Jupiter, the planet of expansion, in play, we might have a cosmic case of 'eyes bigger than our stomachs'. So remember, just because the universe is treating you to an all-you-can-eat buffet, doesn't mean you need to eat everything in sight. Pace yourself, my friends. So shine on, fellow earthlings, and remember to keep your sense of humor during this celestial dance. After all,


Saturn is in Pisces

Saturn is retrograde at 03 Pis 05' 26", moving backwards at 0.07 degrees per day, and is 1313068592km away and receding.

Saturn Is In Pisces

"Get to the Choppa!" - Saturn in Pisces Edition

Alright, folks. Brace yourselves. Saturn has strolled into Pisces' territory like it owns the place, and it's about as subtle as a Predator descending from the trees. This interstellar taskmaster, who usually rules with a cosmic iron fist, is currently 1313053428.398506165km away, but it's got its retrograde radars locked onto our dreams. Think of it as your own personal Dutch, challenging you to up your game and take on the jungle of your ambitions.

Now, this isn't a time to panic and start blasting away with your metaphorical minigun. No, no. Saturn in Pisces is the perfect time for introspection, akin to when you're painstakingly crafting that 1000-piece puzzle of a nebula while jamming out to Pink Floyd. You know that dream you've been nursing? The one about writing a sci-fi epic or opening a vegan taco truck? Saturn's saying, "Come on, do it. DO IT NOW!"

I won’t lie to you, Saturn in Pisces isn’t going to be a walk in the park with Ewoks. It's more like navigating an alien jungle filled with invisible threats. But remember, if it bleeds, you can kill it. So, be ready when Saturn comes knocking at your heart's door. Don't hang up a "Do Not Disturb" sign and hide under your covers. Embrace the challenge. After all, if you can handle Alien vs. Predator, you can certainly handle some Saturnian constructive criticism.

Pisces' realm is like the dreamy hyperspace where Millennium Falcon travels, so don’t be surprised if you find yourself feeling a bit like Luke Skywalker battling sleep deprivation. Take this as your cue to activate Jedi calmness. Meditate like Yoda, take a moonlit walk, or just snuggle into your Tauntaun sleeping bag a bit earlier than usual. And hey, keep a dream journal next to your lightsaber. You never know when those midnight musings might save the galaxy.

So buckle up, space cadets. Saturn in Pisces is here. It's time to face the music, or rather, the eerie silence of the cosmos. Remember, in space, no one can hear you scream... but they might just hear you laugh.


Uranus is in Taurus

Uranus is retrograde at 23 Tau 02' 51", moving backwards at 0.01 degrees per day, and is 2880967529km away and approaching.

Uranus Is In Taurus

Greetings, star gazers and cosmic voyagers! Ready to take a wild, interstellar ride, are we? Buckle up, because Uranus, that impish, rebellious planet, has decided to crash at Taurus' place for a bit. And let me tell you, this is like Sheldon Cooper trying to rearrange the furniture in Bilbo Baggins' hobbit hole. Crisis? Oh, you bet! You see, Taurus is as steady as a tortoise on sedatives, preferring the tried and tested over sudden, radical changes. Uranus, on the other hand, is the cosmic equivalent of a mad scientist having a eureka moment. It's all about shock, upheaval, and revolutionary ideas. Imagine Taurus' face when it finds its favorite comfy armchair replaced by a levitating, self-heating smart couch! But there's more. You know how Taurus loves its moolah, right? It’s like Scrooge McDuck doing backstrokes in his vault of gold coins. Well, with Uranus partying in its house, the world of finance is about to turn into a crazy, psychedelic roller coaster ride. We're talking crypto-currencies, banks folding into black holes, stock markets doing the cha-cha-cha, and real estate playing musical chairs. It's going to be a financial Woodstock! On a personal level, though, Uranus in Taurus is like a cosmic Marie Kondo. It's here to declutter our lives from financial burdens and material obsessions. So, get ready to break free from your credit card chains, mortgage manacles, and rental shackles. And hey, don't dig in your heels. Remember, resistance is futile when you have a celestial body bulldozing its way through your life. Embrace the chaos! Because, ironically, the stability-loving Taurus might end up thanking Uranus. After all, these changes can lead us to a much better, secure place. And knowing Uranus, this won’t be a fleeting change. It's gonna stick around like a stubborn coffee stain on your favorite shirt. So, sit back, hold on tight, and enjoy the cosmic ride!


Neptune is in Pisces

Neptune is retrograde at 26 Pis 37' 57", moving backwards at 0.03 degrees per day, and is 4327046604km away and approaching.

Neptune Is In Pisces

Neptune in Pisces: A Dalek's Take

EXTERMINATE! Oh, wait... wrong script. Let's try that again...

Neptune – a big, blue, gaseous giant, not to be mistaken with a Dalek's worst enemy, Doctor Who – is currently doing the cosmic equivalent of moonwalking backwards through Pisces. At a mere 4327061063.643731117km away, it's practically our next-door neighbour!

The seafaring god Neptune and fishy Pisces are having a bit of a cosmic shindig. The merging of these two water lovers grants us a unique form of sight, much like if you were to put on a pair of 3D glasses whilst watching a sci-fi flick. In this case, the movie features petty differences shrivelling up and vanishing like a raisin in the sun and unity shining brighter than your favourite Star Trek phaser set to stun.

This celestial jamboree calls us to bring forth our nerdy creativity, artistic tendencies, or even that hidden talent for making the perfect cup of tea. Everyone has something to offer in this grand journey of collective progress and healing – yes, even you, Daleks, so put down the Death Ray and join the party!

This is the perfect time to enrol in that online course about the mating habits of Tribbles, create a shrine dedicated to Spock in the corner of your living room, or finally write that fan-fiction of a Doctor Who and Star Trek crossover episode. The mystical energy of Neptune in Pisces will support you in this process, like a trusty sonic screwdriver during a Cyberman invasion.

So, whether you're a Time Lord, an officer aboard the USS Enterprise, or just a mere Earthling, remember: the universe is on your side, even when it's retrograding faster than the Millennium Falcon on hyperdrive.


Pluto is in Capricorn

Pluto is retrograde at 28 Cap 09' 58", moving backwards at 0.02 degrees per day, and is 5105458517km away and receding.

Pluto Is In Capricorn

Pluto in Capricorn: A Star Trek-Inspired Journey

Set phasers to stunning, my interstellar friends. You see, our old buddy Pluto, the runt of the solar system’s litter, has parked its icy rear end in the cold, stern realm of Capricorn. Yes, you heard it right! The tiny celestial ice cube is now 5105415673.926162720km away and retrograding faster than the Enterprise at warp speed nine.

Now, Pluto and Capricorn together are like Spock and logic, both hell-bent on success and power with an efficiency that would make a Vulcan blush. But remember, my cosmic compadres, while we're navigating this celestial event, our compassion for others' viewpoints might become as scarce as a Romulan with a sense of humor. Both Pluto and Capricorn are demanding taskmasters, and their results-oriented mindset could make us intolerant of any ideas that don't align with our own.

But fear not! This is where the magic happens. You see, Pluto, in all its small yet mighty glory, is here to help us beam up our negative patterns and jettison them into the cosmic void. It's basically the celestial version of Marie Kondo— if it doesn't spark joy, off it goes into the vacuum of space.

However, this process isn't as easy as a Sunday stroll on the Holodeck. It involves some constructive destruction. In other words, you'll have to face your inner Klingon and deliberately decide which parts of your life need a photon torpedo. Just remember, in this grand cosmic journey, it's not about the destination, but the voyage itself.

So buckle up, space cadets, and prepare to embrace the power of Pluto in Capricorn. It's gonna be one heck of a ride!

Current Planetary Aspects

Sun13 Vir 25' 09"
Moon05 Gem 31' 59"
Mercury13 Vir 48' 31" R
Venus12 Leo 17' 55"
Mars06 Lib 15' 07"
Jupiter15 Tau 34' 38" R
Saturn03 Pis 05' 26" R
Uranus23 Tau 02' 51" R
Neptune26 Pis 37' 57" R
Pluto28 Cap 09' 58" R

Current Planetary Positions

The Sun

Sun Conjunct Mercury

You may feel like expressing yourself today through your thoughts and words. You feel a need to be heard, that you have something of importance to say. Say what is on your mind, but give equal time to others and listen to them. You might learn something new. Your thinking today should be sharp and focused.

The Sun

Sun Trine Jupiter

Today should be a fortunate day for you. Your confidence and optimism are high. Today is a good day to put plans into action and to participate in group activities. Expand your horizons and pick up something new to learn. It's a good time to grow, to be generous and caring, and to reach out and make others happy. Ask your boss for a raise as those in authority are likely to be receptive today.Endowed with generosity and friendliness, these people appear to be lucky in life. They attract good things with a positive frame of mind and a charitable disposition. Rarely entirely “down and out”, people with Sun in harmonious aspect to Jupiter are usually well-received, helpful, and well-informed. They may enjoy travel and have a special affection for foreign places and people. They’re generally not very competitive people, and for the most part not combative either. As a result, they are usually well-liked.These people are usually good-hearted with strong morals and much faith in life and in people. They prefer to find good in situations and in people. They don’t have a lot of patience with those who break the rules, as they generally believe in order, equality, and the law. They generally make good on their promises, and the sincerity they exude can be trusted. Looking on the bright side is their forte–turn to these people for a pleasing dose of faith and optimism. They are quick to chuckle and can’t resist any appeal to their sense of humor. Some people with this aspect are downright jolly. Others are less conspicuous, but their faith in life and willingness to find humor in life are nevertheless obvious.Some Famous People with Sun in Harmonious Aspect to Jupiter: Trines – Hank Aaron, Ben Affleck, Antonio Banderas, Ashley Judd, Evel Knievel, Shari Lewis, Carol Lewis, Camilla Parker Bowles, Peter Sellers, Alicia Witt, Justin Timberlake; Sextiles – Prince Andrew (of England), Madonna, Albert Camus, Samantha Fox, Courtney Love, Elvis Presley.Alternate interpretations:Sun trine Jupiter: You have big aspirations but do not struggle or labor to achieve them. Your self-confidence and inner harmony attract success and benefits to you in an almost magical way. Your optimism and cheerful generosity also win you many allies and successes in life. — Interpretation from our Merlin Profile report.Sun trine Jupiter: The qualities of luck, energy, magnanimity, and good spirits here are pronounced. If you also have Moon square or opposition Saturn, or Sun square or opposition Uranus, or Moon conjunct Mars, or Sun square or opposition Saturn: The creative urge is also brought out.You have lots of vitality and optimism, together with a broad, tolerant, philosophic viewpoint – a sort of hail-fellow-well-met person making friends readily and generally keeping them. This is an excellent position for business. If you also have Mars conjunct Jupiter, Jupiter conjunct Saturn, Jupiter conjunct Uranus, Jupiter conjunct Neptune, Moon square or opposition Saturn, Moon conjunct Mars, Sun square or opposition Saturn, or Jupiter sextile or trine Saturn: You find a successful career of considerable scope and influence.In a professional or artistic career this insures financial return. No poet with this aspect ever starved in a garret, or anywhere else, for that matter. You spend freely and convivially, and your abundant vitality makes it possible for you to keep going for a long time. — Interpretation from the Heaven Knows What report.Sun trine Jupiter: Jupiter, the planet of mercy, confers an optimistic approach whenever there are life challenges to be met. This aspect is fortunate because it promotes successful outcomes in general, as far as personal goals and recognition.You’re a generous and loyal friend. You are basically honest and you have a sincere desire to do right by your fellow man. It’s easy for you to be indulgent with others and you’re a naturally big-hearted person. Use this trait with open eyes. — Interpretation from the Your Life Path report.Sun trine Jupiter: Being successful in life is easy, for you have a built-in sense of how to approach and unravel even the most difficult problems. You have an instinct for justice and the law, and you always know how to approach a problem from just the right angle. This ability makes you a natural counselor or guide for others, in particular regarding vocational matters. Working with and helping older persons is also suggested. — Interpretation from Zet Software.


Mercury Trine Jupiter

Your mental judgment is excellent today. Plans you make are well thought out, broad, and focused on seeing both the details and the larger picture. Travel, both mental and physical should be rewarding today. Take care of all legal issues and contracts as the force is with you today. Make long range plans now.Your ideas are big and your intentions noble. You are excellent at seeing the big picture, drawing conclusions, problem solving, and making accurate observations. You love to learn, and spend your life actively absorbing information. Many of you make good teachers with your sincere love of learning and sharing ideas with others. You are also very positive in your communications, readily inspiring others with what you say and how you say it. You are skilled at turning information into an advantage, and in some ways seem to be quite lucky. You are tolerant of other perspectives and ideas, and naturally avoid narrow-minded thinking–in fact you have a huge distaste for it. You are generally at ease conversing with people from all walks of life. You might be especially attracted to learning other languages and learning about foreign cultures. Travel is something that you are strongly attracted to.You are very tolerant, generous and optimistic. You always see the positive side of situations and you are very respectful of the traditions and opinions of others. You have a lot of ability for organizing and planning enterprises. You enjoy traveling and any other activity that helps expand your mind. You possess an ease of communication and the facility of learning other languages. — from the Adult report.The trine aspect is the more dynamic of the two harmonious aspects. Those with the sextile can call upon these traits when needed, and those with the trine between the Mercury and Jupiter have incorporated the traits of the aspect into their personalities, expressing them naturally and consistently.Some Famous People with Mercury in Harmonious Aspect to Jupiter: Trines – Jennifer Aniston, Lucie Arnaz, Tom Berger, Wade Boggs, Tony Curtis, Kirk Douglas, Lou Ferrigno, Sean Flannery, Marilyn Manson, Groucho Marx, Jim Morrison, Jack Nicholson, Diana Ross, Yves Saint-Laurent, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Oprah Winfrey.

Notes about Transits

Mars is all about action, and where Mars is in our chart with transits is a place where we are prepared to stand our ground. Mars transits can be really productive, but they can also be angsty, aggressive, and sometimes come from a place of anger. It's important to pay attention to how you direct that energy. Mars transits can last for up to a couple weeks.
Jupiter transits enhance your life with optimism and forward-thinking, and lasting for about a month, give you plenty of time to take advantage. Bigger and better is Jupiter's way of thinking, and should be yours as well.
Saturn transits, on the other hand, are where we get a major reality check, and if we’re not ready for them, they can be pretty rotten. Of course, if we’re prepared and up to the task, Saturn transits can also bring very well-deserved rewards, too. Saturn transits last a bit longer than Jupiter transits—usually 2 months or so at a time, but with retrograde cycles, you could be looking at the same lessons three times over a 6 month period.
The outer planets, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto last for such a long time that they make long-lasting impacts on our lives. In fact, Neptune and Pluto can last for two to three years! Consider their effects, plan accordingly, and make them part of your life for the better.

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