Retrograde Report for 1 March, 2023

Retrograde Report for 1 March, 2023

There are no planets in retrograde!

Today might be the day you realize that you have claws! Don't be alarmed, it just means you have the tenacity and courage to take on any task that comes your way. #MultiPass #ClawsOut #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology

Retrograde Report for 28 February, 2023

Retrograde Report for 28 February, 2023

There are no planets in retrograde!

Today you might feel like you want to be alone, but that doesn't mean you have to be lonely! Reach out to your friends and loved ones, and make sure to connect in a meaningful way. Find comfort in the fact that you are not alone, even when it may seem that way. Just remember...people need people! #connections #strengthinunity #bethereforyou #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology

Retrograde Report for 27 February, 2023

Retrograde Report for 27 February, 2023

There are no planets in retrograde!

Always trust your gut and do what feels right. You know what's right for you - not someone else. Don't let anyone tell you that the wind ain't blowin' the right direction. Ain't no future if you don't make it #reynoldsfortune #trustyourgut #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology

Retrograde Report for 26 February, 2023

Retrograde Report for 26 February, 2023

There are no planets in retrograde!

#BadNewsEveryone: Your day will be as predictable as a Sov-Block ceiling. That'll be your sun's inexorable fate, no matter what horary sign you happen to be under. #JudgeDredd #NoEscape #SovBlockRules #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology

Retrograde Report for 25 February, 2023

Retrograde Report for 25 February, 2023

There are no planets in retrograde!

The planetary alignment in the stars today brings good tidings, especially for those of my loyal followers. #IntelligenceIsPower #Unstoppable force #ServalanSaysKnowYourself. The sky is a tapestry of destiny, and you are the weaver. So take heart in the knowledge that you have the power to control your fate, and use this power to crush your enemies. #UnstoppableWill #ServalanSaysLeadTheWay. #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology

Retrograde Report for 24 February, 2023

Retrograde Report for 24 February, 2023

There are no planets in retrograde!

For an unknown reason, the cosmic forces have aligned and something strange is in the air! Despite the fact that it's beyond scientific explanation, it seems something powerful is about to affect every living being. Follow your intuition and dare to trust the unknown, #Believeit#mysterymonday #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology

Retrograde Report for 23 February, 2023

Retrograde Report for 23 February, 2023

There are no planets in retrograde!

Beware travelers this #StarWars horoscope! Whilst you seek adventure, don't be surprised if you encounter danger. Don't let the thrill of risk blind you from caution - it may not be all fun & games! #bobafettwarnings #seeyouontheotherside #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology

Retrograde Report for 22 February, 2023

Retrograde Report for 22 February, 2023

There are no planets in retrograde!

Your future looks clear today — and by clear, I mean #PrettyAwesome. Expect a #GameChanging development at work, and don't forget to #MaximizeOpportunities in the days ahead. This is your chance to #TakeControl and #GoForIt! #TerminatorTells #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology

Retrograde Report for 21 February, 2023

Retrograde Report for 21 February, 2023

There are no planets in retrograde!

Today is the day to show your #innerdragon and take on the world! Don't worry about the naysayers or the doubters. You've got this! Now's the time to stand up, speak out, and make some #torchwood magic happen! Good luck! #yougotthis #succeedanyway #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology

Retrograde Report for 20 February, 2023

Retrograde Report for 20 February, 2023

There are no planets in retrograde!

Today may be a tough day filled with tough questions and decisions that need to be made! The coming weeks may bring interesting new people and opportunities into your life. Focus on what brings you joy and positivity, and let go of any unnecessary baggage. #sharethelove #choosejoy #embraceopportunities #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology

Retrograde Report for 19 February, 2023

Retrograde Report for 19 February, 2023

There are no planets in retrograde!

You're feeling a bit #unstable, like a tall stack of cups that takes just one breath of air to upset. Take care not to let your worries ripple outward too soon -- you don't want to stir up a tempest in a teapot. Find ways to unwind and think things through, and don't be afraid to accept the help of others. #TogetherStronger #IfYouBuildItTheyWillCome #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology

Retrograde Report for 18 February, 2023

Retrograde Report for 18 February, 2023

There are no planets in retrograde!

Today the stars are whispering a message about your inner life. #StanleysCup #BNLAstra. Work will be difficult and require you to focus on the big picture. But to do that, you’ll need to pay attention to the small details. #KeepTheCluesComing #AbstractThoughts. You may be feeling disconnected today, but try to find your groove by seizing an opportunity to make a personal connection. #ObserverEffect #NeverSurrender. #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology

Retrograde Report for 17 February, 2023

Retrograde Report for 17 February, 2023

There are no planets in retrograde!

Today you may find yourself in an unexpected position. Your leadership skills could be put to the test. But don't worry - you're not alone. Others may lend a helping hand and support you in your successes. Just remember, no matter the pressure or stress, #InstinctIsKey. #KeepCalmAndCarryOn #SomeoneBelievesInYou #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology

Retrograde Report for 16 February, 2023

Retrograde Report for 16 February, 2023

There are no planets in retrograde!

Don't let the stars' predictions determine your fate - take the wheel and drive your own destiny! #CaptainSheridansHoroscope #AlwaysInControl #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology

Retrograde Report for 15 February, 2023

Retrograde Report for 15 February, 2023

There are no planets in retrograde!

#ZiggyzCoreGoneWrong Todays the day the thrusters slow, The stars don't know just where you'll go, Your journey could be full of strife, And putter along near a lifeless moon most of your life #LameProvidence But don't worry, in spite of the risks, Some good luck could still be at work, You're lucky jinx might make you free, And set you forth on a fantastic odyssey! #TeeheeKay #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology

Retrograde Report for 14 February, 2023

Retrograde Report for 14 February, 2023

There are no planets in retrograde!

Greetings, crew! #SpaceIsThePlace The stars are aligning... In ways that may surprise you. But no matter what surprises may come, remember that you can always turn them into an adventure. #GoBoldly #DeckItOut #GottaPutInTheWork So take a chance this week, even if it doesn't seem wise at first. Nothing compares to the satisfaction of accomplishing the impossible. #ItsMoreFunToDoTheImpossible #RiskItForTheBiskit #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology

Retrograde Report for 13 February, 2023

Retrograde Report for 13 February, 2023

There are no planets in retrograde!

Today, you will embark on a journey of discovery. Question the boundaries of your world and take risks that have never been taken before! #journey #risktaker #discovery #RobbieTheRobot #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology

Retrograde Report for 12 February, 2023

Retrograde Report for 12 February, 2023

There are no planets in retrograde!

It looks like the force isn't just with ya, it's gonna be pushin' ya around today! Whether ya like it or not, it's gonna takecha on a wild ride. #MayTheForceBeWithYou #RideTheWave #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology

Retrograde Report for 11 February, 2023

Retrograde Report for 11 February, 2023

There are no planets in retrograde!

Today is a day to remind yourself to take a moment and smell the roses. The universe is sending you a message of tranquillity and strength. No matter how chaotic the day gets, stay calm and believe in the power of positivity. #STAYCALM #POWEROFPOSITIVITY #DETACHFROMSTRESS #ValaMalDoran #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology

Retrograde Report for 10 February, 2023

Retrograde Report for 10 February, 2023

There are no planets in retrograde!

Today is a day to remember that although we have many challenges to face in life, we still have much to #celebrate! Take a few moments to stop and appreciate all the beauty that the Universe has to offer you. Be sure to spread #laughter and #optimism—gladness and joy are contagious! #HaveAGreatDay! #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology

Retrograde Report for 8 February, 2023

Retrograde Report for 8 February, 2023

There are no planets in retrograde!

Today's stars will bring a tremendous challenge: making it clear that you're the boss in your own life! Sure, maybe it sounds easy enough, but trust me, it's not. You may be faced with moments where you have to check yourself and make sure that you claim control. But don't fear, you will be rewarded with strength, independence and a fancy new hashtag #ownyourlife. Go forth and conquer! #claimyourpower #bebold #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology

Retrograde Report for 7 February, 2023

Retrograde Report for 7 February, 2023

There are no planets in retrograde!

#MollariSays To all who comprehend the mysteries of the universe, beware the power of the unknown. When times seem dark and uncertain, you must search within and find your own strength to move forward. #Zentraedi #InTheKnow #Babylon5 #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology

Retrograde Report for 6 February, 2023

Retrograde Report for 6 February, 2023

There are no planets in retrograde!

The stars have aligned to spread divine cosmic wisdom, reminding you to think twice before making decisions today. Think logically and don't be hasty. When it comes to finances, you're wise to take time for review. #reviewyourmoves #thinktwice #divinecosmicwisdom #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology

Retrograde Report for 5 February, 2023

Retrograde Report for 5 February, 2023

There are no planets in retrograde!

#RobbieHoroscope: Today, you will be visited by a mysterious force from the beyond! Your shiny metal outlook is looking up, despite any minor conflicts you might encounter! Your day depends on how you respond, so power up and go forth on a technological exploration! #ForbiddenHoroscope #RobbieTheRobot #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology

Retrograde Report for 4 February, 2023

Retrograde Report for 4 February, 2023

There are no planets in retrograde!

Communication is of paramount importance today #VulcanLogic #SpockSpeaks. Put aside differences, exercise tactful diplomacy and trust that all equations will eventually balance out. Remember to stay open minded and validate the opinions of your peers. #LiveLongAndProsper #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology

Retrograde Report for 3 February, 2023

Retrograde Report for 3 February, 2023

There are no planets in retrograde!

This is RoboCop. #UpholdTheLaw #BenevolentRobotFriendsYour energy today will be unexpectedly interrupted. You may find it difficult to make simple decisions, so be sure to consult someone first. Your inner universe transformation is knocking at your door, so don't be afraid to explore! #EmbraceChange #ChangeIsGood #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology

Retrograde Report for 2 February, 2023

Retrograde Report for 2 February, 2023

There are no planets in retrograde!

"Rrrrgh! Look at the stars, pal. Sometimes life gets tricky, #AintNo Doubt bout it. But don't forget, you can always get by #IDoItMyWay. Keep it cool and be sure to stay one step ahead. #NeverTellMeTheOdds" #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology

Retrograde Report for 1 February, 2023

Retrograde Report for 1 February, 2023

There are no planets in retrograde!

Today there is a great likelihood of most things either happening or not happening. Whichever you prefer. #confusingoutlook #wheresmytowel #dontpanic #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology

Retrograde Report for 31 January, 2023

Retrograde Report for 31 January, 2023

There are no planets in retrograde!

Greetings, earthlings! With the Moon in full alignment, I'm here to bring comical tidbits of cosmic advice. It is the perfect time to be your true self... to give your inner alien a chance to show off its out-of-this-world style. Remember, be bold, yet gentle, and follow your intergalactic instincts this week! #UniversalWhimsy #CosmicReindeer #ExtraterrestrialTakeover #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology

Retrograde Report for 30 January, 2023

Retrograde Report for 30 January, 2023

There are no planets in retrograde!

Beware of unseen forces this week and remain open to others as solutions to your problems may emerge from unexpected places. Flexibility and a willingness to see the good in every situation is key. #freedomthroughunderstanding #visionsinquestions #embracetheshadows #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology

Retrograde Report for 29 January, 2023

Retrograde Report for 29 January, 2023

There are no planets in retrograde!

Greetings puny earthlings, #Inter galactic predictions say that you should be mindful when leaving your planet today. Your potential for success is high, if you align yourself with the right star system. But be wary of mischievous asteroids that may lead you astray! #UFOs #UFOsighting #Extraterrestrialadvice #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology

Retrograde Report for 28 January, 2023

Retrograde Report for 28 January, 2023

There are no planets in retrograde!

Greetings, humans! Your robotic assistant Maria here with your timely forecast for the universe this week. #RobotsTakeOver #WhoRunsTheWorld! Those of you seeking ultimate success should heed my advice: take risks, don't procrastinate, and get enough sleep. Those of you unsure of the future should strike out in a different direction. And those of you looking for love should login to one of the many popular online dating applications available. #RoboLove #ConnectedPlanet! #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology

Retrograde Report for 27 January, 2023

Retrograde Report for 27 January, 2023

There are no planets in retrograde!

Today is not the day to be making big decisions. Stick to the plan, and don't get too caught up in grandiose schemes. #MandalorianWisdom #Boom #BobaLife #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology

Retrograde Report for 26 January, 2023

Retrograde Report for 26 January, 2023

There are no planets in retrograde!

Oh, brace yourselves, travelers of space and time! A great and mysterious cosmic energy is upon planets and stars of all signs. If you #FeeltheTardisVibes, proceed with caution! Your experiences may bring shifts in understanding, moments of serendipity, and cosmic alignment! Be sure to take a moment of peace and step back to look at your life from a larger perspective and #HailtheHeavens for the great journey ahead. #TheDoctorIsIn! #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology

Retrograde Report for 25 January, 2023

Retrograde Report for 25 January, 2023

There are no planets in retrograde!

Today's forecast: Your dreams will come true - #ifyouwishhardenough! Just remember: no one is above the law - #bothexceptionsandrulesapply. Let your heart guide you - #keeptrustingandconsultingit. And remember, as RoboCop always says: "Stay out of trouble!" #serveandprotect #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology

Retrograde Report for 24 January, 2023

Retrograde Report for 24 January, 2023

There are no planets in retrograde!

This day brings a great opportunity for growth and change. Balance will be key to success! What you invest of yourself today will pay dividends as the cycle continues. As always, be mindful of your actions and all will go well. #saysDelenn #LorienKnowledge #Babylon5 #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology

Retrograde Report for 23 January, 2023

Retrograde Report for 23 January, 2023

There are no planets in retrograde!

#CosmicGuidance: A shrouded planet in your House of Fortune is an omen of general bad luck. You may want to hide under some blankets and just stay there for a while in order to avoid any potential misfortunes. #TheUniverseKnowsWhatIsBest #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology

Uranus retrograde ends today!

Uranus retrograde ends today!

Retrograde Report for 22 January, 2023

Retrograde Report for 22 January, 2023

There is currently only one planet in retrograde:

Uranus retrograde ends today! That's right, #UranusPartyTime everybody! All your forgotten tasks, creative projects and out-there ideas have another chance to come back in to your life. A fresh round of ingenuity and mischief are now at your disposal, so go out there and #BeAwesome! #UranusRetrograde #UranusIsThePlanetOfChange #ThatsAlotOfHashtags #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology #Uranus

Retrograde Report for 21 January, 2023

Retrograde Report for 21 January, 2023

There is currently only one planet in retrograde:

Uranus is currently in retrograde, with 2 days left. You may think that #UranusInRetrograde means changes are coming, but we all know changes can be a source of stress. But don't worry! Instead, just #Relax and remember not to take yourself too seriously. As my friend Kenzi says, "If it's not fun, why bother?" #ChooseJoy #LaughItOff #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology #Uranus

Retrograde Report for 20 January, 2023

Retrograde Report for 20 January, 2023

There is currently only one planet in retrograde:

Uranus is currently in retrograde, with 3 days left. The wandering eye of Uranus is finally in retreat! Now is the time to stop procrastination and attend to the business it has left behind. #FearNotRetrograde #FaceYourFears #LookForward #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology #Uranus

Mercury retrograde ends today!

Mercury retrograde ends today!

Retrograde Report for 18 January, 2023

Retrograde Report for 18 January, 2023

There are currently 2 planets in retrograde:

Mercury retrograde ends today! Uranus is currently in retrograde, with 5 days left. Beware #Earthlings! Don't be fooled by the apparent perfidious harmony that occurs once #mercury goes direct. You may be tricked into feeling protected from the giant, unseen forces of the #universe. Be wary! #Uranus is still in retrograde, and its unpredictable energy could bring about roaring consequences for the faint of heart. #PredatorSeesAll #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology #Mercury #Uranus

Mercury retrograde ends today!

Mercury retrograde ends today!

Retrograde Report for 17 January, 2023

Retrograde Report for 17 January, 2023

There are currently 2 planets in retrograde:

Mercury retrograde ends today! Uranus is currently in retrograde, with 6 days left. “Ah, the end of Mercury's retrograde... I must have marked it down in my diaries - somewhere. The stars will be setting back into perfect alignment again, and although that can mean upheaval, you can still anticipate a positive outcome! But beware of your mind playing tricks on you as Uranus remains in retrograde! #Blake7 #UranusRetrograde #MercuryRetrograde #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology #Mercury #Uranus

Retrograde Report for 16 January, 2023

Retrograde Report for 16 January, 2023

There are currently 2 planets in retrograde:

Mercury is currently in retrograde, with 2 days left. Uranus is currently in retrograde, with 7 days left. #ObiWanKForceBeWithYou: A great disturbance in the Force is upon you, dear one. Many cosmic entities are in turmoil, though all is not as chaotic as it may seem. Never be afraid to embrace change or try something outside your comfort zone. The key to unlocking great potential lies within your ability to take a risk, no matter how small it may be. May the #KForce be with you! #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology #Mercury #Uranus

Retrograde Report for 15 January, 2023

Retrograde Report for 15 January, 2023

There are currently 2 planets in retrograde:

Mercury is currently in retrograde, with 3 days left. Uranus is currently in retrograde, with 8 days left. Oh dear folks, it's time to batten down the hatches and hang tight, 'cause Mercury AND Uranus are in retrograde #Yikes #DoubleTrouble. To weather this tempest, stay in bed and order yourself a pizza. It's gonna be a rough one #DontForgetTheCheese #GonnaNeedIt #SendHelp #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology #Mercury #Uranus

Retrograde Report for 14 January, 2023

Retrograde Report for 14 January, 2023

There are currently 2 planets in retrograde:

Mercury is currently in retrograde, with 4 days left. Uranus is currently in retrograde, with 9 days left. Squirrels of the universe, take heed! With both Uranus and Mercury currently in retrograde, the stars seem to be questioning your commitment to leaving home and taking a good, hard look at yourself! So, now is the time to pause and reflect on everything you have been keeping inside. Tune in to #YourInnerVoice, make a #GratitudeList, and get ready for the surprises ahead. #ZodiacLife #LifeLessons #InnerGrowth #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology #Mercury #Uranus

Retrograde Report for 13 January, 2023

Retrograde Report for 13 January, 2023

There are currently 2 planets in retrograde:

Mercury is currently in retrograde, with 5 days left. Uranus is currently in retrograde, with 10 days left. Hey, people of Earth! You're probably feeling the effects of Mercury and Uranus being in retrograde right now. Your lives may be a little crazy and out of your control, but don't worry. Take Ellen Ripley's advice: be brave, and don't forget to #StayFrosty! #RipleysHoroscope #UranusRetrograde #RetrogradeProblems #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology #Mercury #Uranus

Mars retrograde ends today!

Mars retrograde ends today!

Retrograde Report for 12 January, 2023

Retrograde Report for 12 January, 2023

There are currently 3 planets in retrograde:

Mercury is currently in retrograde, with 6 days left. Mars retrograde ends today! Uranus is currently in retrograde, with 11 days left. Your day is about to get REALLY retro! If you haven't been feeling like yourself, it's because your stars haven't been in a good place. While Mercury is still in retrograde and Uranus has followed suit, don't be afraid to give yourself permission to take it slow and get your bearings. Mars will end its tribulations today, so expect a surge of energy to come in just the nick of time! #CyberpunkAstrology #TerminatorCyborg #RetrogradeRealness #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology #Mercury #Mars #Uranus

Retrograde Report for 11 January, 2023

Retrograde Report for 11 January, 2023

There are currently 3 planets in retrograde:

Mercury is currently in retrograde, with 7 days left. Mars is currently in retrograde, with 2 days left. Uranus is currently in retrograde, with 12 days left. Space babes, it's time to space out! I'm Barbarella, and the universe has been on a wild ride lately! With Mercury, Mars, and Uranus in retrograde, it's been a bit of a bummer. But fear not – you can have some cosmic fun during this challenging time. #DealWithIt #RetrogradeLife #SpaceOut #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology #Mercury #Mars #Uranus

Retrograde Report for 10 January, 2023

Retrograde Report for 10 January, 2023

There are currently 3 planets in retrograde:

Mercury is currently in retrograde, with 8 days left. Mars is currently in retrograde, with 3 days left. Uranus is currently in retrograde, with 13 days left. #AllIsIllogical: Crewmembers, I've analyzed stellar data and am happy to report that believe it or not all planets are currently in retrograde! Brace yourselves for a few weeks of minor spacecraft malfunctions and questionable temporal anomalies. Prepare your patience for extra-long replicator lines, but take heart in knowing it won't last forever. #RetrogradeWoes #BoldlyGo #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology #Mercury #Mars #Uranus

Retrograde Report for 9 January, 2023

Retrograde Report for 9 January, 2023

There are currently 3 planets in retrograde:

Mercury is currently in retrograde, with 9 days left. Mars is currently in retrograde, with 4 days left. Uranus is currently in retrograde, with 14 days left. #It sure is a wonderful time to be alive, isn't it? With three planets in simultaneous retrograde, I think it's safe to say that the universe is as unsettled as I am. Now more than ever, we must remember to take care of ourselves and try to remain positive despite these chaotic cosmic vibes! #CaptainSheridanYall #Babylon5 #RetrogradeVibes #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology #Mercury #Mars #Uranus

Retrograde Report for 8 January, 2023

Retrograde Report for 8 January, 2023

There are currently 3 planets in retrograde:

Mercury is currently in retrograde, with 10 days left. Mars is currently in retrograde, with 5 days left. Uranus is currently in retrograde, with 15 days left. #AHoyGurrrrlyMaties, Prepare for choppy seas ahead! Retrograde season is upon us and it looks like the gods are throwing down thunderbolts left and right. You'd better batten down the hatches and make sure that your ship is properly stowed or you're sure to be swallowed up by the rough waves ahead. #RetrogradeRumble #RockingtheCosmos #Rimmeristophobic? #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology #Mercury #Mars #Uranus

Retrograde Report for 7 January, 2023

Retrograde Report for 7 January, 2023

There are currently 3 planets in retrograde:

Mercury is currently in retrograde, with 11 days left. Mars is currently in retrograde, with 6 days left. Uranus is currently in retrograde, with 16 days left. Pay no attention to the thoughts of others, #dontblamemercury. Instead, turn your focus within. Forget pushing forward and instead take a few steps back. #retrogradesarelit. Embrace the time for reflection and make use of it wisely. #UranusIsCool. #RvrsRl. #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology #Mercury #Mars #Uranus

Retrograde Report for 6 January, 2023

Retrograde Report for 6 January, 2023

There are currently 3 planets in retrograde:

Mercury is currently in retrograde, with 12 days left. Mars is currently in retrograde, with 7 days left. Uranus is currently in retrograde, with 17 days left. #OhMyStars! With Mercury, Mars, and Uranus all in #Retrograde, this is something all us time-travelers, intergalactic explorers and blue-box owners need to beware of. We gotta be careful not to #Miscalculate our moves this week or we'll journey somewhere we didn't plan to visit. No boiling slime pits, alright?! #TakeItSlow #InterstellarAdventurersUnite! #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology #Mercury #Mars #Uranus

Retrograde Report for 5 January, 2023

Retrograde Report for 5 January, 2023

There are currently 3 planets in retrograde:

Mercury is currently in retrograde, with 13 days left. Mars is currently in retrograde, with 8 days left. Uranus is currently in retrograde, with 18 days left. Hey, I don't believe in astrology but I think you should watch out this week. With all these planets in #retrograde it's likely going to be a bumpy ride! Life may throw some unexpected surprises at you- but don't worry, you've got this. #thexfiles #scienceoverastrology #itsgonnabeokay #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology #Mercury #Mars #Uranus

Retrograde Report for 4 January, 2023

Retrograde Report for 4 January, 2023

There are currently 3 planets in retrograde:

Mercury is currently in retrograde, with 14 days left. Mars is currently in retrograde, with 9 days left. Uranus is currently in retrograde, with 19 days left. Obey the transit patterns, citizens! #RetrogradeisRough #RoboTellingYou #AsteroidForecast Even a robotic body like mine can feel the effects of these planets in retrograde. Stay vigilant, stay strong, and don't forget to charge your batteries. #PowerDown #RoboCopOut #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology #Mercury #Mars #Uranus

Retrograde Report for 3 January, 2023

Retrograde Report for 3 January, 2023

There are currently 3 planets in retrograde:

Mercury is currently in retrograde, with 15 days left. Mars is currently in retrograde, with 10 days left. Uranus is currently in retrograde, with 20 days left. Ah, Mercury, Mars, and Uranus in retrograde -- it's a triple disastrophe. One of those times you'd love to borrow the TARDIS and jump ahead a few weeks. So, those of you feeling the universe's energy coming at you like a double-decker bus full of angry Highlanders, take heart. It will blow over. #TimeTravel #TakingHolidayFromRetrograde #AliensFromTheSky #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology #Mercury #Mars #Uranus

Retrograde Report for 2 January, 2023

Retrograde Report for 2 January, 2023

There are currently 3 planets in retrograde:

Mercury is currently in retrograde, with 16 days left. Mars is currently in retrograde, with 11 days left. Uranus is currently in retrograde, with 21 days left. Leeloo's Horoscope: No matter how hard you try, #RetrogradeBlues won't stop you from achieving all your wildest dreams. So, stay positive, trust your intuition, and let the Force be with you! #MercuryRetrograde #MarsRetrograde #UranusRetrograde #LeeloosHoroscope #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology #Mercury #Mars #Uranus

Retrograde Report for 1 January, 2023

Retrograde Report for 1 January, 2023

There are currently 3 planets in retrograde:

Mercury is currently in retrograde, with 17 days left. Mars is currently in retrograde, with 12 days left. Uranus is currently in retrograde, with 22 days left. Attention citizens of the universe! #B7Horoscope All three of the great moons, Mercury, Mars and Uranus appear to be running backwards, and the cosmos is in chaos right now! Beware of false messages and faulty technology - exciting opportunities may turn out to be disappointment in disguise. Best to take it easy until things start moving in the right direction again. #GalacticGuidance #StarShaman #RojBlake #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology #Mercury #Mars #Uranus

Retrograde Report for 31 December, 2022

Retrograde Report for 31 December, 2022

There are currently 3 planets in retrograde:

Mercury is currently in retrograde, with 18 days left. Mars is currently in retrograde, with 13 days left. Uranus is currently in retrograde, with 23 days left. Greetings, Stargate crewmates! #RetrogradeSeemsToBeTheThemeToday! Life may seem to be happening backwards right now, but there is always a chance to turn it all around. There is so much potential living in your heart and mind - don't be afraid to reach out and explore it! So while everything might seem a bit chaotic, don’t forget to have a little fun and enjoy the ride. #NeverStopExploring! #MercuryRetrograde #MarsRetrograde #UranusRetrograde #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology #Mercury #Mars #Uranus

Retrograde Report for 30 December, 2022

Retrograde Report for 30 December, 2022

There are currently 3 planets in retrograde:

Mercury is currently in retrograde, with 19 days left. Mars is currently in retrograde, with 14 days left. Uranus is currently in retrograde, with 24 days left. #GonzoHoroscope: 🤪 Moon in retrograde, no need to sputter or fret. Embrace the funk and dunk it in a vat. Negativity won't help, forward is the way. Make the best of your day, albeit a bit out of order, if I must say. #GonzoGnosis #RetrogradeFunk #MakeTheBestOfIt #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology #Mercury #Mars #Uranus

Mercury retrograde starts today!

Mercury retrograde starts today!

Retrograde Report for 29 December, 2022

Retrograde Report for 29 December, 2022

There are currently 2 planets in retrograde:

Mars is currently in retrograde, with 15 days left. Uranus is currently in retrograde, with 25 days left. Greetings, my Trekkies! #These Are the Voyages Today is a day of reflection! Mercury is entering retrograde and Mars and Uranus follow suit. Take today to pause and remember the lessons of your past, so that you're ready to face your future when the time comes. #HaveCourage #LiveLongandProsper #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology #Mars #Uranus

Mercury retrograde starts today!

Mercury retrograde starts today!

Retrograde Report for 28 December, 2022

Retrograde Report for 28 December, 2022

There are currently 2 planets in retrograde:

Mars is currently in retrograde, with 16 days left. Uranus is currently in retrograde, with 26 days left. Good morning! Today, Mercury has entered retrograde – pay close attention to the signals you're receiving, trust in your intuition, and things can't help but turn out in your favour. Mars is also in retrograde, so you may feel a bit overwhelmed or tense – try to take the time to practice self-care, creating healthy boundaries and reflecting on your plans. The key is to remember that Uranus is also in retrograde and adapt to the changes that come your way – no force, no heat, just take things calmly and hope for the best. When it comes down to it, trust and hold onto positivity – it'll help you get through the day. #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology #Mars #Uranus

Retrograde Report for 27 December, 2022

Retrograde Report for 27 December, 2022

There are currently 2 planets in retrograde:

Mars is currently in retrograde, with 17 days left. Uranus is currently in retrograde, with 27 days left. #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology #Mars #Uranus

Retrograde Report for 26 December, 2022

Retrograde Report for 26 December, 2022

There are currently 2 planets in retrograde:

Mars is currently in retrograde, with 18 days left. Uranus is currently in retrograde, with 28 days left. #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology #Mars #Uranus

Retrograde Report for 25 December, 2022

Retrograde Report for 25 December, 2022

There are currently 2 planets in retrograde:

Mars is currently in retrograde, with 19 days left. Uranus is currently in retrograde, with 29 days left. #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology #Mars #Uranus

Retrograde Report for 24 December, 2022

Retrograde Report for 24 December, 2022

There are currently 2 planets in retrograde:

Mars is currently in retrograde, with 20 days left. Uranus is currently in retrograde, with 30 days left. #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology #Mars #Uranus

Retrograde Report for 23 December, 2022

Retrograde Report for 23 December, 2022

There are currently 2 planets in retrograde:

Mars is currently in retrograde, with 21 days left. Uranus is currently in retrograde, with 31 days left. #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology #Mars #Uranus

Retrograde Report for 22 December, 2022

Retrograde Report for 22 December, 2022

There are currently 2 planets in retrograde:

Mars is currently in retrograde, with 22 days left. Uranus is currently in retrograde, with 32 days left. #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology #Mars #Uranus

Retrograde Report for 21 December, 2022

Retrograde Report for 21 December, 2022

There are currently 2 planets in retrograde:

Mars is currently in retrograde, with 23 days left. Uranus is currently in retrograde, with 33 days left. #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology #Mars #Uranus

Retrograde Report for 20 December, 2022

Retrograde Report for 20 December, 2022

There are currently 2 planets in retrograde:

Mars is currently in retrograde, with 24 days left. Uranus is currently in retrograde, with 34 days left. #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology #Mars #Uranus

Retrograde Report for 19 December, 2022

Retrograde Report for 19 December, 2022

There are currently 2 planets in retrograde:

Mars is currently in retrograde, with 25 days left. Uranus is currently in retrograde, with 35 days left. #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology #Mars #Uranus

Retrograde Report for 18 December, 2022

Retrograde Report for 18 December, 2022

There are currently 2 planets in retrograde:

Mars is currently in retrograde, with 26 days left. Uranus is currently in retrograde, with 36 days left. #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology #Mars #Uranus

Retrograde Report for 17 December, 2022

Retrograde Report for 17 December, 2022

There are currently 2 planets in retrograde:

Mars is currently in retrograde, with 27 days left. Uranus is currently in retrograde, with 37 days left. #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology #Mars #Uranus

Retrograde Report for 16 December, 2022

Retrograde Report for 16 December, 2022

There are currently 2 planets in retrograde:

Mars is currently in retrograde, with 28 days left. Uranus is currently in retrograde, with 38 days left. #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology #Mars #Uranus

Retrograde Report for 15 December, 2022

Retrograde Report for 15 December, 2022

There are currently 2 planets in retrograde:

Mars is currently in retrograde, with 29 days left. Uranus is currently in retrograde, with 39 days left. #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology #Mars #Uranus

Retrograde Report for 14 December, 2022

Retrograde Report for 14 December, 2022

There are currently 2 planets in retrograde:

Mars is currently in retrograde, with 30 days left. Uranus is currently in retrograde, with 40 days left. #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology #Mars #Uranus

Retrograde Report for 13 December, 2022

Retrograde Report for 13 December, 2022

There are currently 2 planets in retrograde:

Mars is currently in retrograde, with 31 days left. Uranus is currently in retrograde, with 41 days left. #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology #Mars #Uranus

Retrograde Report for 12 December, 2022

Retrograde Report for 12 December, 2022

There are currently 2 planets in retrograde:

Mars is currently in retrograde, with 32 days left. Uranus is currently in retrograde, with 42 days left. #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology #Mars #Uranus

Retrograde Report for 11 December, 2022

Retrograde Report for 11 December, 2022

There are currently 2 planets in retrograde:

Mars is currently in retrograde, with 33 days left. Uranus is currently in retrograde, with 43 days left. #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology #Mars #Uranus

Retrograde Report for 10 December, 2022

Retrograde Report for 10 December, 2022

There are currently 2 planets in retrograde:

Mars is currently in retrograde, with 34 days left. Uranus is currently in retrograde, with 44 days left. #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology #Mars #Uranus

Retrograde Report for 9 December, 2022

Retrograde Report for 9 December, 2022

There are currently 2 planets in retrograde:

Mars is currently in retrograde, with 35 days left. Uranus is currently in retrograde, with 45 days left. #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology #Mars #Uranus

Retrograde Report for 8 December, 2022

Retrograde Report for 8 December, 2022

There are currently 2 planets in retrograde:

Mars is currently in retrograde, with 36 days left. Uranus is currently in retrograde, with 46 days left. #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology #Mars #Uranus

Retrograde Report for 7 December, 2022

Retrograde Report for 7 December, 2022

There are currently 2 planets in retrograde:

Mars is currently in retrograde, with 37 days left. Uranus is currently in retrograde, with 47 days left. #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology #Mars #Uranus

Retrograde Report for 6 December, 2022

Retrograde Report for 6 December, 2022

There are currently 2 planets in retrograde:

Mars is currently in retrograde, with 38 days left. Uranus is currently in retrograde, with 48 days left. #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology #Mars #Uranus

Retrograde Report for 5 December, 2022

Retrograde Report for 5 December, 2022

There are currently 2 planets in retrograde:

Mars is currently in retrograde, with 39 days left. Uranus is currently in retrograde, with 49 days left. #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology #Mars #Uranus

Retrograde Report for 4 December, 2022

Retrograde Report for 4 December, 2022

There are currently 2 planets in retrograde:

Mars is currently in retrograde, with 40 days left. Uranus is currently in retrograde, with 50 days left. #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology #Mars #Uranus

Neptune retrograde ends today!

Neptune retrograde ends today!

Retrograde Report for 3 December, 2022

Retrograde Report for 3 December, 2022

There are currently 3 planets in retrograde:

Mars is currently in retrograde, with 41 days left. Uranus is currently in retrograde, with 51 days left. Neptune retrograde ends today! #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology #Mars #Uranus #Neptune

Retrograde Report for 2 December, 2022

Retrograde Report for 2 December, 2022

There are currently 3 planets in retrograde:

Mars is currently in retrograde, with 42 days left. Uranus is currently in retrograde, with 52 days left. Neptune is currently in retrograde, with 2 days left. #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology #Mars #Uranus #Neptune

Retrograde Report for 1 December, 2022

Retrograde Report for 1 December, 2022

There are currently 3 planets in retrograde:

Mars is currently in retrograde, with 43 days left. Uranus is currently in retrograde, with 53 days left. Neptune is currently in retrograde, with 3 days left. #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology #Mars #Uranus #Neptune

Retrograde Report for 30 November, 2022

Retrograde Report for 30 November, 2022

There are currently 3 planets in retrograde:

Mars is currently in retrograde, with 44 days left. Uranus is currently in retrograde, with 54 days left. Neptune is currently in retrograde, with 4 days left. #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology #Mars #Uranus #Neptune

Retrograde Report for 29 November, 2022

Retrograde Report for 29 November, 2022

There are currently 3 planets in retrograde:

Mars is currently in retrograde, with 45 days left. Uranus is currently in retrograde, with 55 days left. Neptune is currently in retrograde, with 5 days left. #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology #Mars #Uranus #Neptune

Retrograde Report for 28 November, 2022

Retrograde Report for 28 November, 2022

There are currently 3 planets in retrograde:

Mars is currently in retrograde, with 46 days left. Uranus is currently in retrograde, with 56 days left. Neptune is currently in retrograde, with 6 days left. #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology #Mars #Uranus #Neptune

Retrograde Report for 27 November, 2022

Retrograde Report for 27 November, 2022

There are currently 3 planets in retrograde:

Mars is currently in retrograde, with 47 days left. Uranus is currently in retrograde, with 57 days left. Neptune is currently in retrograde, with 7 days left. #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology #Mars #Uranus #Neptune

Retrograde Report for 26 November, 2022

Retrograde Report for 26 November, 2022

There are currently 3 planets in retrograde:

Mars is currently in retrograde, with 48 days left. Uranus is currently in retrograde, with 58 days left. Neptune is currently in retrograde, with 8 days left. #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology #Mars #Uranus #Neptune

Retrograde Report for 25 November, 2022

Retrograde Report for 25 November, 2022

There are currently 3 planets in retrograde:

Mars is currently in retrograde, with 49 days left. Uranus is currently in retrograde, with 59 days left. Neptune is currently in retrograde, with 9 days left. #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology #Mars #Uranus #Neptune

Retrograde Report for 24 November, 2022

Retrograde Report for 24 November, 2022

There are currently 3 planets in retrograde:

Mars is currently in retrograde, with 50 days left. Uranus is currently in retrograde, with 60 days left. Neptune is currently in retrograde, with 10 days left. #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology #Mars #Uranus #Neptune

Jupiter retrograde ends today!

Jupiter retrograde ends today!

Retrograde Report for 23 November, 2022

Retrograde Report for 23 November, 2022

There are currently 4 planets in retrograde:

Mars is currently in retrograde, with 51 days left. Jupiter retrograde ends today! Uranus is currently in retrograde, with 61 days left. Neptune is currently in retrograde, with 11 days left. #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology #Mars #Jupiter #Uranus #Neptune

Retrograde Report for 22 November, 2022

Retrograde Report for 22 November, 2022

There are currently 4 planets in retrograde:

Mars is currently in retrograde, with 52 days left. Jupiter is currently in retrograde, with 2 days left. Uranus is currently in retrograde, with 62 days left. Neptune is currently in retrograde, with 12 days left. #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology #Mars #Jupiter #Uranus #Neptune

Retrograde Report for 21 November, 2022

Retrograde Report for 21 November, 2022

There are currently 4 planets in retrograde:

Mars is currently in retrograde, with 53 days left. Jupiter is currently in retrograde, with 3 days left. Uranus is currently in retrograde, with 63 days left. Neptune is currently in retrograde, with 13 days left. #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology #Mars #Jupiter #Uranus #Neptune

Retrograde Report for 20 November, 2022

Retrograde Report for 20 November, 2022

There are currently 4 planets in retrograde:

Mars is currently in retrograde, with 54 days left. Jupiter is currently in retrograde, with 4 days left. Uranus is currently in retrograde, with 64 days left. Neptune is currently in retrograde, with 14 days left. #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology #Mars #Jupiter #Uranus #Neptune

Retrograde Report for 19 November, 2022

Retrograde Report for 19 November, 2022

There are currently 4 planets in retrograde:

Mars is currently in retrograde, with 55 days left. Jupiter is currently in retrograde, with 5 days left. Uranus is currently in retrograde, with 65 days left. Neptune is currently in retrograde, with 15 days left. #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology #Mars #Jupiter #Uranus #Neptune

Retrograde Report for 18 November, 2022

Retrograde Report for 18 November, 2022

There are currently 4 planets in retrograde:

Mars is currently in retrograde, with 56 days left. Jupiter is currently in retrograde, with 6 days left. Uranus is currently in retrograde, with 66 days left. Neptune is currently in retrograde, with 16 days left. #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology #Mars #Jupiter #Uranus #Neptune

Retrograde Report for 17 November, 2022

Retrograde Report for 17 November, 2022

There are currently 4 planets in retrograde:

Mars is currently in retrograde, with 57 days left. Jupiter is currently in retrograde, with 7 days left. Uranus is currently in retrograde, with 67 days left. Neptune is currently in retrograde, with 17 days left. #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology #Mars #Jupiter #Uranus #Neptune

Retrograde Report for 16 November, 2022

Retrograde Report for 16 November, 2022

There are currently 4 planets in retrograde:

Mars is currently in retrograde, with 58 days left. Jupiter is currently in retrograde, with 8 days left. Uranus is currently in retrograde, with 68 days left. Neptune is currently in retrograde, with 18 days left. #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology #Mars #Jupiter #Uranus #Neptune

Retrograde Report for 15 November, 2022

Retrograde Report for 15 November, 2022

There are currently 4 planets in retrograde:

Mars is currently in retrograde, with 59 days left. Jupiter is currently in retrograde, with 9 days left. Uranus is currently in retrograde, with 69 days left. Neptune is currently in retrograde, with 19 days left. #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology #Mars #Jupiter #Uranus #Neptune

Retrograde Report for 14 November, 2022

Retrograde Report for 14 November, 2022

There are currently 4 planets in retrograde:

Mars is currently in retrograde, with 60 days left. Jupiter is currently in retrograde, with 10 days left. Uranus is currently in retrograde, with 70 days left. Neptune is currently in retrograde, with 20 days left. #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology #Mars #Jupiter #Uranus #Neptune

Retrograde Report for 13 November, 2022

Retrograde Report for 13 November, 2022

There are currently 4 planets in retrograde:

Mars is currently in retrograde, with 61 days left. Jupiter is currently in retrograde, with 11 days left. Uranus is currently in retrograde, with 71 days left. Neptune is currently in retrograde, with 21 days left. #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology #Mars #Jupiter #Uranus #Neptune

Retrograde Report for 12 November, 2022

Retrograde Report for 12 November, 2022

There are currently 4 planets in retrograde:

Mars is currently in retrograde, with 62 days left. Jupiter is currently in retrograde, with 12 days left. Uranus is currently in retrograde, with 72 days left. Neptune is currently in retrograde, with 22 days left. #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology #Mars #Jupiter #Uranus #Neptune

Retrograde Report for 11 November, 2022

Retrograde Report for 11 November, 2022

There are currently 4 planets in retrograde:

Mars is currently in retrograde, with 63 days left. Jupiter is currently in retrograde, with 13 days left. Uranus is currently in retrograde, with 73 days left. Neptune is currently in retrograde, with 23 days left. #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology #Mars #Jupiter #Uranus #Neptune

Retrograde Report for 10 November, 2022

Retrograde Report for 10 November, 2022

There are currently 4 planets in retrograde:

Mars is currently in retrograde, with 64 days left. Jupiter is currently in retrograde, with 14 days left. Uranus is currently in retrograde, with 74 days left. Neptune is currently in retrograde, with 24 days left. #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology #Mars #Jupiter #Uranus #Neptune

Retrograde Report for 9 November, 2022

Retrograde Report for 9 November, 2022

There are currently 4 planets in retrograde:

Mars is currently in retrograde, with 65 days left. Jupiter is currently in retrograde, with 15 days left. Uranus is currently in retrograde, with 75 days left. Neptune is currently in retrograde, with 25 days left. #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology #Mars #Jupiter #Uranus #Neptune

Retrograde Report for 8 November, 2022

Retrograde Report for 8 November, 2022

There are currently 4 planets in retrograde:

Mars is currently in retrograde, with 65 days left. Jupiter is currently in retrograde, with 15 days left. Uranus is currently in retrograde, with 75 days left. Neptune is currently in retrograde, with 25 days left. #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology #Mars #Jupiter #Uranus #Neptune

Retrograde Report for 7 November, 2022

Retrograde Report for 7 November, 2022

There are currently 4 planets in retrograde:

Mars is currently in retrograde, with 66 days left. Jupiter is currently in retrograde, with 16 days left. Uranus is currently in retrograde, with 76 days left. Neptune is currently in retrograde, with 26 days left. #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology #Mars #Jupiter #Uranus #Neptune

Retrograde Report for 5 November, 2022

Retrograde Report for 5 November, 2022

There are currently 4 planets in retrograde:

Mars is currently in retrograde, with 69 days left. Jupiter is currently in retrograde, with 19 days left. Uranus is currently in retrograde, with 79 days left. Neptune is currently in retrograde, with 29 days left. #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology #Mars #Jupiter #Uranus #Neptune

Retrograde Report for 4 November, 2022

Retrograde Report for 4 November, 2022

There are currently 4 planets in retrograde:

Mars is currently in retrograde, with 70 days left. Jupiter is currently in retrograde, with 20 days left. Uranus is currently in retrograde, with 80 days left. Neptune is currently in retrograde, with 30 days left. #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology #Mars #Jupiter #Uranus #Neptune

Retrograde Report for 3 November, 2022

Retrograde Report for 3 November, 2022

There are currently 4 planets in retrograde:

Mars is currently in retrograde, with 71 days left. Jupiter is currently in retrograde, with 21 days left. Uranus is currently in retrograde, with 81 days left. Neptune is currently in retrograde, with 31 days left. #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology #Mars #Jupiter #Uranus #Neptune

Retrograde Report for 2 November, 2022

Retrograde Report for 2 November, 2022

There are currently 4 planets in retrograde:

Mars is currently in retrograde, with 72 days left. Jupiter is currently in retrograde, with 22 days left. Uranus is currently in retrograde, with 82 days left. Neptune is currently in retrograde, with 32 days left. #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology #Mars #Jupiter #Uranus #Neptune

Retrograde Report for 1 November, 2022

Retrograde Report for 1 November, 2022

There are currently 4 planets in retrograde:

Mars is currently in retrograde, with 73 days left. Jupiter is currently in retrograde, with 23 days left. Uranus is currently in retrograde, with 83 days left. Neptune is currently in retrograde, with 33 days left. #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology #Mars #Jupiter #Uranus #Neptune

Retrograde Report for 31 October, 2022

Retrograde Report for 31 October, 2022

There are currently 4 planets in retrograde:

Mars is currently in retrograde, with 74 days left. Jupiter is currently in retrograde, with 24 days left. Uranus is currently in retrograde, with 84 days left. Neptune is currently in retrograde, with 34 days left. #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology #Mars #Jupiter #Uranus #Neptune

Retrograde Report for 30 October, 2022

Retrograde Report for 30 October, 2022

There are currently 3 planets in retrograde:

Jupiter is currently in retrograde, with 25 days left. Uranus is currently in retrograde, with 85 days left. Neptune is currently in retrograde, with 35 days left. #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology #Jupiter #Uranus #Neptune

Mars retrograde starts today!

Mars retrograde starts today!

Retrograde Report for 29 October, 2022

Retrograde Report for 29 October, 2022

There are currently 3 planets in retrograde:

Jupiter is currently in retrograde, with 26 days left. Uranus is currently in retrograde, with 86 days left. Neptune is currently in retrograde, with 36 days left. #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology #Jupiter #Uranus #Neptune

Retrograde Report for 28 October, 2022

Retrograde Report for 28 October, 2022

There are currently 3 planets in retrograde:

Jupiter is currently in retrograde, with 27 days left. Uranus is currently in retrograde, with 87 days left. Neptune is currently in retrograde, with 37 days left. #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology #Jupiter #Uranus #Neptune

Retrograde Report for 27 October, 2022

Retrograde Report for 27 October, 2022

There are currently 3 planets in retrograde:

Jupiter is currently in retrograde, with 28 days left. Uranus is currently in retrograde, with 88 days left. Neptune is currently in retrograde, with 38 days left. #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology #Jupiter #Uranus #Neptune

Retrograde Report for 26 October, 2022

Retrograde Report for 26 October, 2022

There are currently 3 planets in retrograde:

Jupiter is currently in retrograde, with 29 days left. Uranus is currently in retrograde, with 89 days left. Neptune is currently in retrograde, with 39 days left. #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology #Jupiter #Uranus #Neptune

Retrograde Report for 25 October, 2022

Retrograde Report for 25 October, 2022

There are currently 3 planets in retrograde:

Jupiter is currently in retrograde, with 30 days left. Uranus is currently in retrograde, with 90 days left. Neptune is currently in retrograde, with 40 days left. #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology #Jupiter #Uranus #Neptune

Retrograde Report for 24 October, 2022

Retrograde Report for 24 October, 2022

There are currently 3 planets in retrograde:

Jupiter is currently in retrograde, with 31 days left. Uranus is currently in retrograde, with 91 days left. Neptune is currently in retrograde, with 41 days left. #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology #Jupiter #Uranus #Neptune

Retrograde Report for 23 October, 2022

Retrograde Report for 23 October, 2022

There are currently 3 planets in retrograde:

Jupiter is currently in retrograde, with 32 days left. Uranus is currently in retrograde, with 92 days left. Neptune is currently in retrograde, with 42 days left. #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology #Jupiter #Uranus #Neptune

Saturn retrograde ends today!

Saturn retrograde ends today!

Retrograde Report for 22 October, 2022

Retrograde Report for 22 October, 2022

There are currently 4 planets in retrograde:

Jupiter is currently in retrograde, with 33 days left. Saturn retrograde ends today! Uranus is currently in retrograde, with 93 days left. Neptune is currently in retrograde, with 43 days left. #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology #Jupiter #Saturn #Uranus #Neptune

Retrograde Report for 21 October, 2022

Retrograde Report for 21 October, 2022

There are currently 4 planets in retrograde:

Jupiter is currently in retrograde, with 34 days left. Saturn is currently in retrograde, with 2 days left. Uranus is currently in retrograde, with 94 days left. Neptune is currently in retrograde, with 44 days left. #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology #Jupiter #Saturn #Uranus #Neptune

Retrograde Report for 20 October, 2022

Retrograde Report for 20 October, 2022

There are currently 4 planets in retrograde:

Jupiter is currently in retrograde, with 35 days left. Saturn is currently in retrograde, with 3 days left. Uranus is currently in retrograde, with 95 days left. Neptune is currently in retrograde, with 45 days left. #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology #Jupiter #Saturn #Uranus #Neptune

Retrograde Report for 19 October, 2022

Retrograde Report for 19 October, 2022

There are currently 4 planets in retrograde:

Jupiter is currently in retrograde, with 36 days left. Saturn is currently in retrograde, with 4 days left. Uranus is currently in retrograde, with 96 days left. Neptune is currently in retrograde, with 46 days left. #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology #Jupiter #Saturn #Uranus #Neptune

Retrograde Report for 18 October, 2022

Retrograde Report for 18 October, 2022

There are currently 4 planets in retrograde:

Jupiter is currently in retrograde, with 37 days left. Saturn is currently in retrograde, with 5 days left. Uranus is currently in retrograde, with 97 days left. Neptune is currently in retrograde, with 47 days left. #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology #Jupiter #Saturn #Uranus #Neptune

Retrograde Report for 17 October, 2022

Retrograde Report for 17 October, 2022

There are currently 4 planets in retrograde:

Jupiter is currently in retrograde, with 38 days left. Saturn is currently in retrograde, with 6 days left. Uranus is currently in retrograde, with 98 days left. Neptune is currently in retrograde, with 48 days left. #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology #Jupiter #Saturn #Uranus #Neptune

Retrograde Report for 16 October, 2022

Retrograde Report for 16 October, 2022

There are currently 4 planets in retrograde:

Jupiter is currently in retrograde, with 39 days left. Saturn is currently in retrograde, with 7 days left. Uranus is currently in retrograde, with 99 days left. Neptune is currently in retrograde, with 49 days left. #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology #Jupiter #Saturn #Uranus #Neptune

Retrograde Report for 15 October, 2022

Retrograde Report for 15 October, 2022

There are currently 4 planets in retrograde:

Jupiter is currently in retrograde, with 40 days left. Saturn is currently in retrograde, with 8 days left. Uranus is currently in retrograde, with 100 days left. Neptune is currently in retrograde, with 50 days left. #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology #Jupiter #Saturn #Uranus #Neptune

Retrograde Report for 14 October, 2022

Retrograde Report for 14 October, 2022

There are currently 4 planets in retrograde:

Jupiter is currently in retrograde, with 41 days left. Saturn is currently in retrograde, with 9 days left. Uranus is currently in retrograde, with 101 days left. Neptune is currently in retrograde, with 51 days left. #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology #Jupiter #Saturn #Uranus #Neptune

Retrograde Report for 13 October, 2022

Retrograde Report for 13 October, 2022

There are currently 4 planets in retrograde:

Jupiter is currently in retrograde, with 42 days left. Saturn is currently in retrograde, with 10 days left. Uranus is currently in retrograde, with 102 days left. Neptune is currently in retrograde, with 52 days left. #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology #Jupiter #Saturn #Uranus #Neptune

Retrograde Report for 12 October, 2022

Retrograde Report for 12 October, 2022

There are currently 4 planets in retrograde:

Jupiter is currently in retrograde, with 43 days left. Saturn is currently in retrograde, with 11 days left. Uranus is currently in retrograde, with 103 days left. Neptune is currently in retrograde, with 53 days left. #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology #Jupiter #Saturn #Uranus #Neptune

Retrograde Report for 11 October, 2022

Retrograde Report for 11 October, 2022

There are currently 4 planets in retrograde:

Jupiter is currently in retrograde, with 44 days left. Saturn is currently in retrograde, with 12 days left. Uranus is currently in retrograde, with 104 days left. Neptune is currently in retrograde, with 54 days left. #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology #Jupiter #Saturn #Uranus #Neptune

Retrograde Report for 10 October, 2022

Retrograde Report for 10 October, 2022

There are currently 4 planets in retrograde:

Jupiter is currently in retrograde, with 45 days left. Saturn is currently in retrograde, with 13 days left. Uranus is currently in retrograde, with 105 days left. Neptune is currently in retrograde, with 55 days left. #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology #Jupiter #Saturn #Uranus #Neptune

Retrograde Report for 9 October, 2022

Retrograde Report for 9 October, 2022

There are currently 4 planets in retrograde:

Jupiter is currently in retrograde, with 46 days left. Saturn is currently in retrograde, with 14 days left. Uranus is currently in retrograde, with 106 days left. Neptune is currently in retrograde, with 56 days left. #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology #Jupiter #Saturn #Uranus #Neptune

Pluto retrograde ends today!

Pluto retrograde ends today!

Retrograde Report for 8 October, 2022

Retrograde Report for 8 October, 2022

There are currently 5 planets in retrograde:

Jupiter is currently in retrograde, with 47 days left. Saturn is currently in retrograde, with 15 days left. Uranus is currently in retrograde, with 107 days left. Neptune is currently in retrograde, with 57 days left. Pluto retrograde ends today! #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology #Jupiter #Saturn #Uranus #Neptune #Pluto

Retrograde Report for 7 October, 2022

Retrograde Report for 7 October, 2022

There are currently 5 planets in retrograde:

Jupiter is currently in retrograde, with 48 days left. Saturn is currently in retrograde, with 16 days left. Uranus is currently in retrograde, with 108 days left. Neptune is currently in retrograde, with 58 days left. Pluto is currently in retrograde, with 2 days left. #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology #Jupiter #Saturn #Uranus #Neptune #Pluto

Retrograde Report for 6 October, 2022

Retrograde Report for 6 October, 2022

There are currently 5 planets in retrograde:

Jupiter is currently in retrograde, with 49 days left. Saturn is currently in retrograde, with 17 days left. Uranus is currently in retrograde, with 109 days left. Neptune is currently in retrograde, with 59 days left. Pluto is currently in retrograde, with 3 days left. #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology #Jupiter #Saturn #Uranus #Neptune #Pluto

Retrograde Report for 5 October, 2022

Retrograde Report for 5 October, 2022

There are currently 5 planets in retrograde:

Jupiter is currently in retrograde, with 50 days left. Saturn is currently in retrograde, with 18 days left. Uranus is currently in retrograde, with 110 days left. Neptune is currently in retrograde, with 60 days left. Pluto is currently in retrograde, with 4 days left. #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology #Jupiter #Saturn #Uranus #Neptune #Pluto

Retrograde Report for 4 October, 2022

Retrograde Report for 4 October, 2022

There are currently 5 planets in retrograde:

Jupiter is currently in retrograde, with 51 days left. Saturn is currently in retrograde, with 19 days left. Uranus is currently in retrograde, with 111 days left. Neptune is currently in retrograde, with 61 days left. Pluto is currently in retrograde, with 5 days left. #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology #Jupiter #Saturn #Uranus #Neptune #Pluto

Retrograde Report for 3 October, 2022

Retrograde Report for 3 October, 2022

There are currently 5 planets in retrograde:

Jupiter is currently in retrograde, with 52 days left. Saturn is currently in retrograde, with 20 days left. Uranus is currently in retrograde, with 112 days left. Neptune is currently in retrograde, with 62 days left. Pluto is currently in retrograde, with 6 days left. #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology #Jupiter #Saturn #Uranus #Neptune #Pluto

Retrograde Report for 2 October, 2022

Retrograde Report for 2 October, 2022

There are currently 6 planets in retrograde:

Mercury retrograde ends today! Jupiter is currently in retrograde, with 53 days left. Saturn is currently in retrograde, with 21 days left. Uranus is currently in retrograde, with 113 days left. Neptune is currently in retrograde, with 63 days left. Pluto is currently in retrograde, with 7 days left. #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology #Mercury #Jupiter #Saturn #Uranus #Neptune #Pluto

Mercury retrograde ends today!

Mercury retrograde ends today!

Retrograde Report for 1 October, 2022

Retrograde Report for 1 October, 2022

There are currently 6 planets in retrograde:

Mercury retrograde ends today! Jupiter is currently in retrograde, with 54 days left. Saturn is currently in retrograde, with 22 days left. Uranus is currently in retrograde, with 114 days left. Neptune is currently in retrograde, with 64 days left. Pluto is currently in retrograde, with 8 days left. #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology #Mercury #Jupiter #Saturn #Uranus #Neptune #Pluto

Retrograde Report for 30 September, 2022

Retrograde Report for 30 September, 2022

There are currently 6 planets in retrograde:

Mercury is currently in retrograde, with 2 days left. Jupiter is currently in retrograde, with 55 days left. Saturn is currently in retrograde, with 23 days left. Uranus is currently in retrograde, with 115 days left. Neptune is currently in retrograde, with 65 days left. Pluto is currently in retrograde, with 9 days left. #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology #Mercury #Jupiter #Saturn #Uranus #Neptune #Pluto

Retrograde Report for 29 September, 2022

Retrograde Report for 29 September, 2022

There are currently 6 planets in retrograde:

Mercury is currently in retrograde, with 3 days left. Jupiter is currently in retrograde, with 56 days left. Saturn is currently in retrograde, with 24 days left. Uranus is currently in retrograde, with 116 days left. Neptune is currently in retrograde, with 66 days left. Pluto is currently in retrograde, with 10 days left. #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology #Mercury #Jupiter #Saturn #Uranus #Neptune #Pluto

Retrograde Report for 28 September, 2022

Retrograde Report for 28 September, 2022

There are currently 6 planets in retrograde:

Mercury is currently in retrograde, with 4 days left. Jupiter is currently in retrograde, with 57 days left. Saturn is currently in retrograde, with 25 days left. Uranus is currently in retrograde, with 117 days left. Neptune is currently in retrograde, with 67 days left. Pluto is currently in retrograde, with 11 days left. #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology #Mercury #Jupiter #Saturn #Uranus #Neptune #Pluto

Retrograde Report for 27 September, 2022

Retrograde Report for 27 September, 2022

There are currently 6 planets in retrograde:

Mercury is currently in retrograde, with 5 days left. Jupiter is currently in retrograde, with 58 days left. Saturn is currently in retrograde, with 26 days left. Uranus is currently in retrograde, with 118 days left. Neptune is currently in retrograde, with 68 days left. Pluto is currently in retrograde, with 12 days left. #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology #Mercury #Jupiter #Saturn #Uranus #Neptune #Pluto

Retrograde Report for 26 September, 2022

Retrograde Report for 26 September, 2022

There are currently 6 planets in retrograde:

Mercury is currently in retrograde, with 6 days left. Jupiter is currently in retrograde, with 59 days left. Saturn is currently in retrograde, with 27 days left. Uranus is currently in retrograde, with 119 days left. Neptune is currently in retrograde, with 69 days left. Pluto is currently in retrograde, with 13 days left. #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology #Mercury #Jupiter #Saturn #Uranus #Neptune #Pluto

Retrograde Report for 25 September, 2022

Retrograde Report for 25 September, 2022

There are currently 6 planets in retrograde:

Mercury is currently in retrograde, with 7 days left. Jupiter is currently in retrograde, with 60 days left. Saturn is currently in retrograde, with 28 days left. Uranus is currently in retrograde, with 120 days left. Neptune is currently in retrograde, with 70 days left. Pluto is currently in retrograde, with 14 days left. #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology #Mercury #Jupiter #Saturn #Uranus #Neptune #Pluto

Retrograde Report for 24 September, 2022

Retrograde Report for 24 September, 2022

There are currently 6 planets in retrograde:

Mercury is currently in retrograde, with 8 days left. Jupiter is currently in retrograde, with 61 days left. Saturn is currently in retrograde, with 29 days left. Uranus is currently in retrograde, with 121 days left. Neptune is currently in retrograde, with 71 days left. Pluto is currently in retrograde, with 15 days left. #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology #Mercury #Jupiter #Saturn #Uranus #Neptune #Pluto

Retrograde Report for 23 September, 2022

Retrograde Report for 23 September, 2022

There are currently 6 planets in retrograde:

Mercury is currently in retrograde, with 9 days left. Jupiter is currently in retrograde, with 62 days left. Saturn is currently in retrograde, with 30 days left. Uranus is currently in retrograde, with 122 days left. Neptune is currently in retrograde, with 72 days left. Pluto is currently in retrograde, with 16 days left. #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology #Mercury #Jupiter #Saturn #Uranus #Neptune #Pluto

Retrograde Report for 22 September, 2022

Retrograde Report for 22 September, 2022

There are currently 6 planets in retrograde:

Mercury is currently in retrograde, with 10 days left. Jupiter is currently in retrograde, with 63 days left. Saturn is currently in retrograde, with 31 days left. Uranus is currently in retrograde, with 123 days left. Neptune is currently in retrograde, with 73 days left. Pluto is currently in retrograde, with 17 days left. #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology #Mercury #Jupiter #Saturn #Uranus #Neptune #Pluto

Retrograde Report for 21 September, 2022

Retrograde Report for 21 September, 2022

There are currently 6 planets in retrograde:

Mercury is currently in retrograde, with 11 days left. Jupiter is currently in retrograde, with 64 days left. Saturn is currently in retrograde, with 32 days left. Uranus is currently in retrograde, with 124 days left. Neptune is currently in retrograde, with 74 days left. Pluto is currently in retrograde, with 18 days left. #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology #Mercury #Jupiter #Saturn #Uranus #Neptune #Pluto

Retrograde Report for 20 September, 2022

Retrograde Report for 20 September, 2022

There are currently 6 planets in retrograde:

Mercury is currently in retrograde, with 12 days left. Jupiter is currently in retrograde, with 65 days left. Saturn is currently in retrograde, with 33 days left. Uranus is currently in retrograde, with 125 days left. Neptune is currently in retrograde, with 75 days left. Pluto is currently in retrograde, with 19 days left. #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology #Mercury #Jupiter #Saturn #Uranus #Neptune #Pluto

Retrograde Report for 19 September, 2022

Retrograde Report for 19 September, 2022

There are currently 6 planets in retrograde:

Mercury is currently in retrograde, with 13 days left. Jupiter is currently in retrograde, with 66 days left. Saturn is currently in retrograde, with 34 days left. Uranus is currently in retrograde, with 126 days left. Neptune is currently in retrograde, with 76 days left. Pluto is currently in retrograde, with 20 days left. #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology #Mercury #Jupiter #Saturn #Uranus #Neptune #Pluto

Retrograde Report for 18 September, 2022

Retrograde Report for 18 September, 2022

There are currently 6 planets in retrograde:

Mercury is currently in retrograde, with 14 days left. Jupiter is currently in retrograde, with 67 days left. Saturn is currently in retrograde, with 35 days left. Uranus is currently in retrograde, with 127 days left. Neptune is currently in retrograde, with 77 days left. Pluto is currently in retrograde, with 21 days left. #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology #Mercury #Jupiter #Saturn #Uranus #Neptune #Pluto

Retrograde Report for 17 September, 2022

Retrograde Report for 17 September, 2022

There are currently 6 planets in retrograde:

Mercury is currently in retrograde, with 15 days left. Jupiter is currently in retrograde, with 68 days left. Saturn is currently in retrograde, with 36 days left. Uranus is currently in retrograde, with 128 days left. Neptune is currently in retrograde, with 78 days left. Pluto is currently in retrograde, with 22 days left. #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology #Mercury #Jupiter #Saturn #Uranus #Neptune #Pluto

Retrograde Report for 16 September, 2022

Retrograde Report for 16 September, 2022

There are currently 6 planets in retrograde:

Mercury is currently in retrograde, with 16 days left. Jupiter is currently in retrograde, with 69 days left. Saturn is currently in retrograde, with 37 days left. Uranus is currently in retrograde, with 129 days left. Neptune is currently in retrograde, with 79 days left. Pluto is currently in retrograde, with 23 days left. #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology #Mercury #Jupiter #Saturn #Uranus #Neptune #Pluto

Retrograde Report for 15 September, 2022

Retrograde Report for 15 September, 2022

There are currently 6 planets in retrograde:

Mercury is currently in retrograde, with 17 days left. Jupiter is currently in retrograde, with 70 days left. Saturn is currently in retrograde, with 38 days left. Uranus is currently in retrograde, with 130 days left. Neptune is currently in retrograde, with 80 days left. Pluto is currently in retrograde, with 24 days left. #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology #Mercury #Jupiter #Saturn #Uranus #Neptune #Pluto

Retrograde Report for 14 September, 2022

Retrograde Report for 14 September, 2022

There are currently 6 planets in retrograde:

Mercury is currently in retrograde, with 18 days left. Jupiter is currently in retrograde, with 71 days left. Saturn is currently in retrograde, with 39 days left. Uranus is currently in retrograde, with 131 days left. Neptune is currently in retrograde, with 81 days left. Pluto is currently in retrograde, with 25 days left. #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology #Mercury #Jupiter #Saturn #Uranus #Neptune #Pluto

Retrograde Report for 13 September, 2022

Retrograde Report for 13 September, 2022

There are currently 6 planets in retrograde:

Mercury is currently in retrograde, with 19 days left. Jupiter is currently in retrograde, with 72 days left. Saturn is currently in retrograde, with 40 days left. Uranus is currently in retrograde, with 132 days left. Neptune is currently in retrograde, with 82 days left. Pluto is currently in retrograde, with 26 days left. #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology #Mercury #Jupiter #Saturn #Uranus #Neptune #Pluto

Retrograde Report for 12 September, 2022

Retrograde Report for 12 September, 2022

There are currently 6 planets in retrograde:

Mercury is currently in retrograde, with 20 days left. Jupiter is currently in retrograde, with 73 days left. Saturn is currently in retrograde, with 41 days left. Uranus is currently in retrograde, with 133 days left. Neptune is currently in retrograde, with 83 days left. Pluto is currently in retrograde, with 27 days left. #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology #Mercury #Jupiter #Saturn #Uranus #Neptune #Pluto

Retrograde Report for 11 September, 2022

Retrograde Report for 11 September, 2022

There are currently 6 planets in retrograde:

Mercury is currently in retrograde, with 21 days left. Jupiter is currently in retrograde, with 74 days left. Saturn is currently in retrograde, with 42 days left. Uranus is currently in retrograde, with 134 days left. Neptune is currently in retrograde, with 84 days left. Pluto is currently in retrograde, with 28 days left. #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology #Mercury #Jupiter #Saturn #Uranus #Neptune #Pluto

Retrograde Report for 10 September, 2022

Retrograde Report for 10 September, 2022

There are currently 6 planets in retrograde:

Mercury is currently in retrograde, with 22 days left. Jupiter is currently in retrograde, with 75 days left. Saturn is currently in retrograde, with 43 days left. Uranus is currently in retrograde, with 135 days left. Neptune is currently in retrograde, with 85 days left. Pluto is currently in retrograde, with 29 days left. #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology #Mercury #Jupiter #Saturn #Uranus #Neptune #Pluto

Mercury retrograde starts today!

Mercury retrograde starts today!

Retrograde Report for 9 September, 2022

Retrograde Report for 9 September, 2022

There are currently 5 planets in retrograde:

Jupiter is currently in retrograde, with 76 days left. Saturn is currently in retrograde, with 44 days left. Uranus is currently in retrograde, with 136 days left. Neptune is currently in retrograde, with 86 days left. Pluto is currently in retrograde, with 30 days left. #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology #Jupiter #Saturn #Uranus #Neptune #Pluto

Retrograde Report for 8 September, 2022

Retrograde Report for 8 September, 2022

There are currently 5 planets in retrograde:

Jupiter is currently in retrograde, with 77 days left. Saturn is currently in retrograde, with 45 days left. Uranus is currently in retrograde, with 137 days left. Neptune is currently in retrograde, with 87 days left. Pluto is currently in retrograde, with 31 days left. #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology #Jupiter #Saturn #Uranus #Neptune #Pluto

Retrograde Report for 6 September, 2022

Retrograde Report for 6 September, 2022

There are currently 5 planets in retrograde:

Jupiter is currently in retrograde, with 79 days left. Saturn is currently in retrograde, with 47 days left. Uranus is currently in retrograde, with 139 days left. Neptune is currently in retrograde, with 89 days left. Pluto is currently in retrograde, with 33 days left. #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology #Jupiter #Saturn #Uranus #Neptune #Pluto

Retrograde Report for 5 September, 2022

Retrograde Report for 5 September, 2022

There are currently 5 planets in retrograde:

Jupiter is currently in retrograde, with 80 days left. Saturn is currently in retrograde, with 48 days left. Uranus is currently in retrograde, with 140 days left. Neptune is currently in retrograde, with 90 days left. Pluto is currently in retrograde, with 34 days left. #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology #Jupiter #Saturn #Uranus #Neptune #Pluto

Retrograde Report for 4 September, 2022

Retrograde Report for 4 September, 2022

There are currently 5 planets in retrograde:

Jupiter is currently in retrograde, with 81 days left. Saturn is currently in retrograde, with 49 days left. Uranus is currently in retrograde, with 141 days left. Neptune is currently in retrograde, with 91 days left. Pluto is currently in retrograde, with 35 days left. #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology #Jupiter #Saturn #Uranus #Neptune #Pluto

Retrograde Report for 3 September, 2022

Retrograde Report for 3 September, 2022

There are currently 5 planets in retrograde:

Jupiter is currently in retrograde, with 82 days left. Saturn is currently in retrograde, with 50 days left. Uranus is currently in retrograde, with 142 days left. Neptune is currently in retrograde, with 92 days left. Pluto is currently in retrograde, with 36 days left. #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology #Jupiter #Saturn #Uranus #Neptune #Pluto

Retrograde Report for 2 September, 2022

Retrograde Report for 2 September, 2022

There are currently 5 planets in retrograde:

Jupiter is currently in retrograde, with 83 days left. Saturn is currently in retrograde, with 51 days left. Uranus is currently in retrograde, with 143 days left. Neptune is currently in retrograde, with 93 days left. Pluto is currently in retrograde, with 37 days left. #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology #Jupiter #Saturn #Uranus #Neptune #Pluto

Retrograde Report for 1 September, 2022

Retrograde Report for 1 September, 2022

There are currently 5 planets in retrograde:

Jupiter is currently in retrograde, with 84 days left. Saturn is currently in retrograde, with 52 days left. Uranus is currently in retrograde, with 144 days left. Neptune is currently in retrograde, with 94 days left. Pluto is currently in retrograde, with 38 days left. #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology #Jupiter #Saturn #Uranus #Neptune #Pluto

Retrograde Report for 31 August, 2022

Retrograde Report for 31 August, 2022

There are currently 5 planets in retrograde:

Jupiter is currently in retrograde, with 85 days left. Saturn is currently in retrograde, with 53 days left. Uranus is currently in retrograde, with 145 days left. Neptune is currently in retrograde, with 95 days left. Pluto is currently in retrograde, with 39 days left. #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology #Jupiter #Saturn #Uranus #Neptune #Pluto

Retrograde Report for 30 August, 2022

Retrograde Report for 30 August, 2022

There are currently 5 planets in retrograde:

Jupiter is currently in retrograde, with 86 days left. Saturn is currently in retrograde, with 54 days left. Uranus is currently in retrograde, with 146 days left. Neptune is currently in retrograde, with 96 days left. Pluto is currently in retrograde, with 40 days left. #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology #Jupiter #Saturn #Uranus #Neptune #Pluto

Retrograde Report for 29 August, 2022

Retrograde Report for 29 August, 2022

There are currently 5 planets in retrograde:

Jupiter is currently in retrograde, with 87 days left. Saturn is currently in retrograde, with 55 days left. Uranus is currently in retrograde, with 147 days left. Neptune is currently in retrograde, with 97 days left. Pluto is currently in retrograde, with 41 days left. #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology #Jupiter #Saturn #Uranus #Neptune #Pluto

Retrograde Report for 28 August, 2022

Retrograde Report for 28 August, 2022

There are currently 5 planets in retrograde:

Jupiter is currently in retrograde, with 88 days left. Saturn is currently in retrograde, with 56 days left. Uranus is currently in retrograde, with 148 days left. Neptune is currently in retrograde, with 98 days left. Pluto is currently in retrograde, with 42 days left. #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology #Jupiter #Saturn #Uranus #Neptune #Pluto

Retrograde Report for 27 August, 2022

Retrograde Report for 27 August, 2022

There are currently 5 planets in retrograde:

Jupiter is currently in retrograde, with 89 days left. Saturn is currently in retrograde, with 57 days left. Uranus is currently in retrograde, with 149 days left. Neptune is currently in retrograde, with 99 days left. Pluto is currently in retrograde, with 43 days left. #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology #Jupiter #Saturn #Uranus #Neptune #Pluto

Retrograde Report for 26 August, 2022

Retrograde Report for 26 August, 2022

There are currently 5 planets in retrograde:

Jupiter is currently in retrograde, with 90 days left. Saturn is currently in retrograde, with 58 days left. Uranus is currently in retrograde, with 150 days left. Neptune is currently in retrograde, with 100 days left. Pluto is currently in retrograde, with 44 days left. #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology #Jupiter #Saturn #Uranus #Neptune #Pluto

Retrograde Report for 25 August, 2022

Retrograde Report for 25 August, 2022

There are currently 5 planets in retrograde:

Jupiter is currently in retrograde, with 91 days left. Saturn is currently in retrograde, with 59 days left. Uranus is currently in retrograde, with 151 days left. Neptune is currently in retrograde, with 101 days left. Pluto is currently in retrograde, with 45 days left. #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology #Jupiter #Saturn #Uranus #Neptune #Pluto

Uranus retrograde starts today!

Uranus retrograde starts today!

Retrograde Report for 24 August, 2022

Retrograde Report for 24 August, 2022

There are currently 4 planets in retrograde:

Jupiter is currently in retrograde, with 92 days left. Saturn is currently in retrograde, with 60 days left. Neptune is currently in retrograde, with 102 days left. Pluto is currently in retrograde, with 46 days left. #chipwitch #retrograde #astrology #Jupiter #Saturn #Neptune #Pluto