The next Gemini will start in 22 days (Monday, 20 May, 2024, 20:21 UTC)

The Moon moves to Gemini in 11 days (Thursday, 09 May, 2024, 20:21 UTC)

Mercury moves to Gemini in 36 days (Monday, 03 June, 2024, 20:21 UTC)

Venus moves to Gemini in 26 days (Friday, 24 May, 2024, 20:21 UTC)

Mars moves to Gemini in 84 days (Sunday, 21 July, 2024, 20:21 UTC)

Jupiter moves to Gemini in 28 days (Sunday, 26 May, 2024, 20:21 UTC)

There are no planets in Gemini at this time.

Gemini Report

"Double The Fun, Double The Trouble: Gemini's Cosmic Roller Coaster Ride Into The Twilight Zone of Retrogrades!"

The next Gemini will start in 46 days, at Tuesday, 21 May, 2024

The Moon moves to Gemini in 7 days, at Friday, 12 April, 2024

Mercury moves to Gemini in 60 days, at Tuesday, 04 June, 2024

Venus moves to Gemini in 49 days, at Friday, 24 May, 2024

Mars moves to Gemini in 107 days, at Sunday, 21 July, 2024

Jupiter moves to Gemini in 51 days, at Sunday, 26 May, 2024

The Waning Crescent moon is currently 25.5 days old. The next new moon is at 18:23:21, 8 Apr 2024. The next full moon is at 23:51:09, 23 Apr 2024.

Well, hello there, Gemini! It's your favorite nerdy astrologer coming at you with some lunar loveliness, and a touch of Terminator-inspired humor for good measure. Now, our moon is currently rocking the Waning Crescent phase, 25.5 days old and still kickin'. You know what that means? It’s like the moon's been to the future, fought some cyborgs, and came back with the message: "I’ll be back." And it will, as a full moon, on 23rd April 2024 at 23:51:09 precisely. Not even Skynet could schedule it better. So, what does this mean for you, dear Gemini? It’s a time for introspection, reflection, and maybe a little bit of time travel, if you've got a spare DeLorean lying around. You may feel like Sarah Connor, caught between two worlds - one of routine and normality, the other of mystery and the unknown. Your dual nature craves excitement but yearns for stability. Remember that scene where Sarah carves "No fate but what we make" into the picnic table? Well, take it to heart! With your adaptable Gemini spirit, you're shaping your own destiny. But don't go all T-800 on us just yet. Keep your cool, even if you find yourself in the metaphorical steel mill of life. Embrace the change, the unpredictability. After all, you're a Gemini; adaptability is your middle name (or maybe it's 'Arnold', we don’t judge here). So, gear up for that full moon, Geminis! Remember, even though life can feel like a relentless cyborg chase scene, it's also full of beautiful moonlit moments. Don’t let the terminators get you down. #AstroNerd #GeminiGrit #LunarLove #TerminatorTwins #FullMoonFever


SignToday Is Posting: 05.04.2024 07:22:01 (gem-05-04-2024)

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